Monday, April 6, 2009

This here's whatcha call a TRUCK in TEXAS!

Yep... this is a Texas Truck... and I know because this is my near 6-foot tall, Texas "born n' bred", son-in-law... Standin' here by his brand new Ford F250, 4 wheel-drive, king cab.... Texas Truck...

Son... ya done good... just remember to throw a ladder in the truck bed before ya'll come over to take us out to dinner... otherwise, I'm gonna need a sky-hook to git up in that thang...

ps... I hope yor little wife told ya I was gonna post this picture... ;)

pss... I have just been informed that an automatic step has already installed for use by us old broads (mother and mother-in-law) and one young pretty wife...

Just doin' our part to stimulate the economy down here in French Lique...


  1. Good for you! All Texas boys need a big truck! Even some of us Texas Gals drive trucks, of course mine isn't that big, I would need an esculator to get in that thing

  2. We do grow 'em big down here in Texas don't we? And by that I mean trucks! My son has one of those ginormous things too...he put slide out steps on it otherwise his momma wouldn't stand a snowball chance of ever getting up in it. It's still a show to watch and believe me they do.
    Hey, btw, that's one good looking guy you got there! Everything really is bigger and better in Texas!

  3. Good looking truck, he's got there. I'm afraid I'd never make it up the side to the look young man, you got there also.

  4. Woe doggy! So is that just for the road or does he herd buffalo with that thang?
    I can just see us Cowgirl Up! to Canton in style.
    Stay warm, Candy

  5. Gee Dixie, why didn't he get himself a BIG truck lol. I think you could put my car in the bed of that thing! Good looking truck and good looking son in law! Kathy

  6. That is one big truck! Thanks for your comments. You always give the best advise.

  7. Not just in Texas. We have lots of those in Alabama, too, and they all have Rebel flags in the rear window along with gun racks.

  8. Hey Ms Dixie.Since afterall I AM your asssistant I guess I get to have special privilleges from you,huh?Well,can i have one,ok?
    Would you go see this little lady?She is a Texan and has a beautiful blog,mostly about Texas.Would you invite her to join us on Wednesdays.She was going to stop her blog because she got no followers.I'm thinking that maybe the reason.I repeat her blog is beautiful and very well written and informative.
    And while you're at it,ha...will you spread the word.A blogger is in tro's lonesome...Ann
    thank you

  9. Dixie, You are TOO funny! Did you intend to type "MONTHER-In-Law"? Or, was that a type O? ;))) I'd just love to ride on in to TX and have tea with you some day! And., please., don't make me say French Lick., I like it when it sounds French with "lique". ;))))) I'm silly today... ~Bless you friend! ~CC Catherine

  10. I can only imagine trying to get in there~ Enjoyed your blog.

  11. Great truck!

    In order to get into hubby's truck I get a complimentary "tushie pushie".

    Happy Tuesday
    from Roberta Anne

  12. Dixie DEAR!

    I have AWARDS for you........please come on over....


  13. Well, I'm so glad you're doing your part! Now please tell me why these guys want those things so darned high in the first place? Do they fear flooding?

  14. You do need a ladder -- or a crane to get in there!
    My office is now painted a neutral tan. I'll decorate with blue.

  15. Yep, that sure is a Texas Truck. Dixie, you have 2 very lovely bright, and happy blogs & I so appreciate you and all your friends who have followed my Texastumbleweed blog. You rock! I hope to participate in some of the memes with all of you just as soon as I can get caught up again on my comments and emails. Again, You have truly blessed me more than you know.

  16. Being the owner of my own pick up truck (what else is a REAL woman gonna drive?) I can say....THAT IS ONE HECKOFA TRUCK!!! Dang mine looks like a tonka truck by comparison!


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