Thursday, April 9, 2009

Foodie Friday... the last Friday of Lent... Good Friday

Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. In addition, all Catholics 14 years old and older must abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all the Fridays of Lent.

In observation of the last day of the Lenten Fast, I thought I would share with you, a simple but delicious recipe for Salmon that is easy to make any time of year.

Salmon with Tomatoes, Lemon and Rosemary

1 to 1-1/2 lbs of Salmon fillet cut into 4 equal pieces
4 tsp extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
16 slices lemon + 1-whole lemon squeezed
4 sprigs rosemary (you can use dried rosemary if you don't have fresh)
24 cherry tomatoes (halved) or 4 Italian tomatoes (sliced)
1-glass of your favorite wine

1. Preheat oven to 475-degrees. Cut four 12-inch long pieces of parchment paper.
2. Rub each fillet with salt, pepper, 1-tsp EVOO and 1/t-tsp lemon juice.
Put 2 lemon slices in the center of each parchment, take a sip of your wine and continue...
top lemon slices with Salmon, a rosemary sprig or dried rosemary,
two more slices of lemon; surround with 12 cherry tomato halves or 1 sliced Italian tomato.
Fold down parchment and seal edges well - leaving room around the ingredients so they can steam. Put packets on baking sheet.
isn't this just beautiful?

3. Bake 15-18 minutes, or until the salmon is cooked.
(open center packet to test.)
hello... are you done yet?
At this point I let my Salmon "rest" for approx. 1-2 minutes, in the packets, on top of stove. Then serve immediately with rice and vegetable dishes of your choice.
I love the way parchment looks just out of the oven... tinged with color... Now, finish you glass of wine and enjoy your dinner...
We like to serve this Salmon with white rice seasoned with Contadina Italian & Garlic Tomatoes.
Serves 4. Per serving: 240 calories, 5g carbs, 24g protein, 13g fat, 70 mg cholesterol.
Thanks Parade Sunday Magazine for another great recipe!
For more Foodie Friday celebrations join Designs by Gollum.
For the remainder of the weekend, we will be giving thanks for the sacrifice of our Lord and for the gift of the resurrection... down here in French Lique.
God Bless each of you.


  1. Great salmon recipe. My dad used to list bourbon as one of his BBQ sauce ingredients--none in it; he just liked sipping it while he cooked!

  2. Looks delightful, and I never say no to a libation while cooking! Have a Happy Easter...Nancy

  3. Dixie, so yummy! Those salmon pockets are wow! I grabbed the recipe and directions so I can try it the next time I find some fresh salmon fillets.

    Thank you my friend!

    Hugs to you and Candy!

  4. Hello Dixie, your Salmon parcels look delicious, Happy Foodie Friday. Kathy

  5. I have parchment paper, but only use it to line cookie sheets. You made that so easy - and I love salmon - so I'll definitely try it! Happy Easter! Linda

  6. Love fish anytime -- but during Lent we enjoy the fish frys at the Catholic church -- good food and good fellowship

  7. Thanks for the recipe...Cat Daddy will love this! I will love the wine.
    I remember when I was in school, only fish was served on Fridays in the cafeteria. I always looked forward to that day. I love any type of fish or long as it's cooked. No sushi, please!
    Have a wonderful and blessed Easter.

  8. Yummo, as Rachel Ray would say. Have a few errands to run today and think I will add these ingredients to my list, love salmon.
    Now I am going to take my coffee out on the deck and listen to the birds and praise the Lord for all His goodness. (wish you could join me)
    Thankful for new friends, Candy

  9. Good grief girl, my mouth is watering! Thanks for the recipe!

    Deanna :D

  10. Oh, child...I am starving for this looks and sounds delicious..

  11. We like salmon. This looks wonderful and easy, too.

    Happy Easter, Dixie!

  12. Oh, I love salmon and that just looks so good. I will definitely try it. Thanks. Hugs, Marty

  13. A delish perfect Lenten recipe. I know that my Dad would enjoy this - he loves Salmon. ~ robyn

  14. Oh I love cooking fish in parchment. The flavor and moisture can't be beat. I love this combination with the rice and tomato side. This makes me soooo hungry and its lunch time! I'm coming over...LOL
    Hope you have a Blessed Easter...Barb

  15. yummy-now-move over,gimme mine.ha.
    i have a fan award for you.please come git it...ann

  16. Living in B.C. most of my life I sure ate a tone of salmon. Baked, poached, smoked, fried...
    Yours looks delious Dixie.
    Happy FF and Happy Easter again.
    Love Claudie

  17. Sound yummy! Have a great Easter weekend Dixie!

  18. 240 calories--this is a winner! I will try this asap! Have a blessed Easter!

  19. I love the way you cook!! ;) The salmon recipe looks amazing. I can't wait to try it. I'm always on the lookout for new salmon recipes!

  20. Dixie,
    This dish looks so delish! I have never attempted to cook salmon, but I LOVE it! Maybe I will try...


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