Sunday, February 8, 2009

Metamorphosis Monday & Decluttering the wires...

Metamorphosis Monday is hosted by one of my favorite decorating bloggers, Susan at Between Naps on the Porch...
If you'd like to see more of Metamorphosis Monday participants, link here to visit Between Naps on the Porch... Visit Susan to see more participant posts today!

Part one of this post... Decorate...
I had a great painting that hung in my old house (pre-Ricky), but since marrying Ricky and moving into his house, the painting has just set stored in the guestroom, behind the bed. It had a very old and tattered antique gold frame. I've grown not to care much for the frame... but hadn't decided what to do... until the home office project...
Once I started my home office project... decluttering and decorating... I knew I had to paint.
Ricky bought me this really cool spray thingy that makes it easier to use spray paint.... no more arthritic finger cramps... works great!
So... I painted the frame... flat black... mmmmmmmmmmm...
pretty woodwork don't you think... ?
let it dry in the sun a couple of Saturday's ago...
Then reframed my beautiful Magnolia painting... Reminds me of my childhood and the South...

and hung it on the wall behind my desk... yep... I think it's going to work right there...

nope... not finished yet... but I'm getting there...
and now part two of this post... Declutter...
While I'm decorating, I'm also decluttering. One of my biggest pet peeves has been the wires. It's the reason my desk use to face the wall... there are just so many wires and they're everywhere!

But then one day at work, the IT gal was in my office installing a new flat screen for the computer on my desk. When she finished, she pulled out some of this stuff and wrapped the cords, then neatly tucked them behind the computer... so neat and organized! So, off to the Office Depot for my search... found it... (it's just a double sided velcro)...
Now the back of my desk looks like this! What a difference. I no longer cringe every time I see it!
these are a few close-ups of my computer cord declutter...
Sometimes it's the little things...
That makes all the difference down here in French Lique...


  1. The frame looks awesome and I love the "southern" painting. I hate unruly cords too and that is quite a change.
    Roberta Anne

  2. ooh that magnolia frame turned out beautifully... and the cables look great too. I've just been using twisty ties on mine but your solution is cuter.

  3. Dixie, TOTALLY Love that frame! The magnolia pic looks tremendous in it! Very sweet.... ~CC Catherine

  4. ugh! I hate wires. Wires are my pet peeve. Nicely done.

  5. Hi Dixie...I love your frame re-do and your magnolia picture! And I'm going to get me soeme of that cord decluttering stuff!! lol Have a great week...Debbie

  6. Love the frame. Isn't paint just the best invention ever?!

  7. Dixie,
    I love the frame re-do and the pic looks beautiful in it. Cindy

  8. That frame turned out awesome--and I love the magnolia blossom in it.

    Cable thingies are wonderful. I've been using black twist ties on mine, and I even decided to use the label maker to identify each cable.

    Have a lovely Monday, Dixie!

  9. The frame turned out beautifully, though DH is disappointed you didn't come to him for a new one lol! I love that contraption for the spray can, will have to look for one - what a great idea. And your desk looks great! Kathy

  10. That frame looks amazing painted black! The detailing stands out now.
    Wow...I need some of those cord organizers! Cords running everywhere are one of my pet peeves. Thanks for the suggestion!

  11. I love your black frame and the picture really stands out now.
    Guess we all hate cords..while I'm out today, I will get some of that velcro..Great idea..thanks!

  12. I love the way your frame turned out..sure makes your beautiful picture pop...what a great idea for the cords..hugs ~lynne~

  13. The frame looks very chic now, and I am impressed by your taming of the computer cords. I think there is a visit to Office Depot in my near future! Thanks -- Cass

  14. What a serene scene! a Silent Night!
    Good job decluttering!

  15. Beautiful frame, turned out great and the magnolia ... very pretty. Computers do grow alot of cords, nicely done declutter. Thanks for sharing, Maryrose

  16. Paint can make a world of difference. Looks great on the wall. Good idea with the cords. There are way too many cords for all the gadgets we love to have. Steve -French Cupboard

  17. Don't you just love spray paint? I have to get me one of those really cool spray thingys!!!

    Your frame turned out great!

  18. Hum, my desk still faces the wall because I hate all those wires. I may have to go shopping. Love the new frame and the print is just gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  19. Yummmmmmm, I'd really love to have an old frame like that, hanging around here. Oh wow yes!

    And that de-tangle-wires-stuff sounds wonderful. Must look for that. And then, must _use_ it when we get it home. Now there's the rub!

    Declutter! Yes, yes, yes! Decluttering rocks! And I always have so much more of it to do. -sigh-

    Aunt Amelia
    "All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon the sand."
    ~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox

  20. I did a bulletin board frame makeover almost exactly like this. Great minds do think alike.

    Thank you so much for all the sweet comments. Go spread that blog love. Wouldn't want ya to get behind in your rounds. ;-)

  21. your frame looks awesome, and there is nothing like the feeling when we tidy and declutter, excellent


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