Monday, February 9, 2009

Blue Monday in the Southern Hemisphere

Blue Monday is hosted by the lovely Miss Smiling Sally. Please visit her blog to see who's posting Blue today...

Every morning when I open my email at yahoo, I spend a little time with the "news photo" section. I love photography and pictures. So I just browse to see what's up in the world. This morning, this beautiful photo... taken in New Zealand; the Southern Hemisphere. So, for this Blue Monday, I've picked a photo of the beautiful blue night sky, filled with stars of the South... really-really South...
The following piece is from the Associated Press. I thought it was interesting that New Zealand is trying to preserve their clear starry sky. I hope they do. Maybe, someday, I'll get to see it in person.

"A stone chapel is shown on the edge of Lake Tekapo under the sparkling sky in New Zealand's South Island on Nov. 2, 2007. Tekapo's town folk are on a mission to protect the vast starry blanket spanning their heavens, even as the night sky disappears behind light and air pollution in many parts of the globe. "
(AP Photo/Fraser Gunn) **


  1. Wow Dixie! I'm off to New Zealand! Amazing, isn't it? I thought it was snow flakes at first glance!!!! It would take me ten years of sky gazing all added up to see that many! Thanks for sharing...hugs...Debbie

  2. Beautiful image!!! Thanks for sharing,it is the beauty of nature that is so heartwrming!!
    I hope you have a fabulous week!!!

  3. Wow!!! What a beautiful sight.I could sit out there for hours.. how peaceful.. Thanks for swinging by yesterday as well as today.. I love when you pop in.. I'm off to take hubby to the doctor.. have a super day...hugs ~lynne~

  4. Dixie,

    How beautiful! I decided to give blue Monday a try myself.

    I'm from Texas where is French Lique??????

  5. Happy Blue Monday Dixie! I was blessed enough to see the New Zealand skys in person, both in Queensland and Christchurch on a fabulous trip I took there back in 1999. The midnight skys and stars are breathtaking, just like this pic! Thanks for the refreshing reminder! ~CC Catherine ;)

  6. This is an unusual post. I like it! Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

  7. I hope New Zealand is able to preserve their beautiful skies.

  8. Oh how I'd love to see this in person. Just beautiful...

  9. Simply breathtaking...Happy Blue Monday!

  10. I live where it is dark and we can see the stars but this is way more stars then I can see. Really beautiful.
    Roberta Anne

  11. OOO, Dixie..thanks so much for sharing this amazing photo. It is just perfect for Blue Monday posting...In my loooong life, I've not EVER seen so many beautiful stars. When you go, can I go with you?
    xo bj

  12. Absolutely amazing photo; even though they are stars, looking at it reminds me of being in a snow globe!

  13. What a beautiful Stone Chapel and what a perfect sky, Happy Blue Monday. Kathy.

  14. Dixie, that is loveliness personified. My cousin's wife's family is from New Zealand, and they say it is one of the most beautiful places on earth. I hope you get to see it someday, too!

    Happy Blue Monday...


    Sheila :-)

  15. Beautiful blue skies over New Zealand!

    Happy Blue Monday!


  16. What a gorgeous picture Dixie. Man, I thought we had a lot of stars here! My sis' husband is from New Zealand, and he has the most incredible pictures! Thanks for sharing this. Kathy

  17. I have a friend who went camping in the mountains in Colorado one summer, and came home to state that she THOUGHT she knew the night sky until she saw it unobstructed by light and pollution. Must be very special.

    Tink *~*~*
    NEW at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* - What shall I wear? My closet needs an overhaul!

  18. Oh, that is just beautiful! Looks like it would be suitable for framing. Now you've made me want to add New Zealand to my "bucket list". That chapel is so charming, and that sky is so beautiful. laurie

  19. I hear New Zealand is to die for! This photo shows just that! Too beautiful for words.

  20. I never realized that New Zealand is so beautiful. I don't think that I've ever seen such a star lit sky. Happy Blue Monday!

  21. I'm a New Zealander living in the UK and we've been to the Stone Chapel at Lake Tekapo and it truely is beautiful. The sky looks just like this at night. When the stars aren't out it is the blackest black you could imagine and all we could here was the water and the animals at night. Thank you for bringing such wonderful memories back. Lorraine

  22. I can spell 'hear' by the way - just had a mistype LOL


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