Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Driving Miss Dixie....

Whew! I've got a long drive this morning... I'm working near Austin today... about an hour and a half drive... which is not that long of a drive I know... but I'm operating on sleep deprivation this morning... I'm an eight hours a night gal, and last night... I got about five... why is that you ask?

Here's Why..

Rodeo! Yep... spent the evening at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo... cause I love pain (the seats are really close together and cramped and we sat there for four hours)! The best part of the Rodeo.. well the horses, livestock, cowboys and cowgirls of course.. but during the Bull Riding, one of those great moments where the cowboy was bucked off and ended up in front of the bull... the bull lowered it's head, nailed the cowboy from behind and butted him up into the air about six feet! The cowboy did a full flip in the air, was butted into the wall, came down on his head and shoulders... (I know, by now you're cringing)... the clowns did their job and teased the bull away... then the cowboy jumped up, dusted himself off, took off his cowboy hat (to expose his handsome chiseled face and sparkling eyes), and waved hat in hand to the crowd to let us know he was A-Ok! I love when the excitement happens and my cowboys are ok...

But the real reason for me willing to sit cramped next to Ricky and a stranger for four hours was this gal... Yep... Miss Reba McEntire... What a voice this little lady from Oklahoma has. She's been at the San Antonio Rodeo eleven times... and Ricky and me... well, we try to be with her every time...

So this morning, with little sleep... I'm drivin' to Austin, Texas... a little bleary eyed... but with my "Reba's #1 Hits" CD in the player so I can sing along with her to pass the time away... while driving Miss Dixie back home to French Lique.


  1. Oh girl.. I so wish I was cramped in that car with you. Reba is one of my all time favorites..Have a super time, looking forward to pictures.. :-) Thanks for the visit this morning. After having to hang onto so much for years because of the business, I'm glad to be able to finally lighten the load. I'm sure all the paper is recyclable.. but would hate to try..just in case there was any "info" folks don't need to see..lol.. Have a super time..
    hugs ~lynne~

  2. dear dixie,
    i'm so glad you had fun at the rodeo and that you have ms. reba to ride with but just in case i'll say a few prayers of safety for you.

  3. I've never been to a rodeo but I saw Reba on Broadway in Annie Get Your Gun and she was just the cutest thing.

    Have a great time!

  4. Good Morning, Ms Dixie!

    You have been a very busy girl!!

    What a fun evening! I love Reba, too! She's such a great singer and actress--and she just seems to be so danged nice to boot!

    LOVE the computer cord organization idea! My cords look like a rats nest, so I will be buying some of those Velcro things!

    Love your picture redo, too!

    We're having some dreamy weather today--I'm off to enjoy a bit of it!! Dana

  5. If I still lived in Texas I would have stayed at the Rodeo too! Oh how I miss Texas!

  6. Wishing you careful and non-eventful driving, back home to French Lique! :-)

    Aunt Amelia
    "All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon the sand."
    ~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox

  7. Oh.then I know it was worth it.She's not only talented,she's a doll...Ann

  8. I love going to the rodeo, so much excitement, have you ever been to the Ft. Worth rodeo? They have it every Friday and Saturday night down at the stockyards, it is a smaller arena and you feel like you are up close and personal. Have a safe trip in Austin, say Hi to Gov Perry for me, LOL

  9. Oh girl!! I didn't know you were gonna be in town or I would have dragged my big butt over to the rodeo to meet you! I've not been yet...I hate the traffic over there.

    I love Reba!

    Deanna :D

  10. Haha! I have to tell you that I've made a pact with my dear hubby that if Reba ever beckons him, he is free to go...she's one of the very few famous women that catches his eye, that RED hair!! On my side of the bargain...if Johnny Depp ever...well, I'm allowed to run away, too :))

  11. Fun!!!! The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is coming soon and I'll be just like you Sleep Deprived. But it's worth it, right?

  12. Sounds like you had lots of fun! Sorry you had to drive into Austin today, I just hate that traffic. But I'm sure last night was worth it. Kathy

  13. How fun! Looks like you really enjoyed yourself and I am happy for you! Yeah Reba!!...Christine

  14. Sheila.. Reba talked about her role of Annie Oakley in "Annie Get Your Gun"... said Annie was her hero...

    Susan.. I know what you mean.. I've been in Texas for half my life..27 years.. I'd sure miss it if I had to move!

    Deb.. I have been to the Ft.Worth Rodeo.. and the Mesquite Rodeo too.. I lived in the Dallas area for 18 years!

    Deanna... we'll be at the Rodeo next week at least twice.. we've got tickets for Brooks & Dunn and the wonderful Josh Turner.

    Elizabeth Ann... mine is Mel Gibson!

    Susan.. we have been known to go to Houston for the Rodeo... George Strait won't play at the SA Rodeo... Is he in Houston this year!?

    thanks all for your sweet comments. They are always appreciated! hugs. Dixie

  15. Hi there Miss Dixie!I have never been to a rodeo! I am a member of a neighborhood group called the RODEO's...Rowdy Old Dames Eating Out...does that count??? lol Looks like a lot of fun!!!...Debbie

  16. Be careful driving! It sounds like your night was worth missing some sleep. laurie

  17. Wow, what a time you had!! Miss Reba is a sweet one. I never watched bull riding until we moved to Texas....I LOVE IT. Watch it on the TV all the time...but I have not been to a rodeo yet. I guess I should go to Mesquite for a rodeo...since I am 20 minutes away, huh?

  18. Mizz Reba sang at our rodeo here in Lubbock for years, too. She has about the best voice of any female out there. She is a good actor, too.
    Rodeo...oh, the memories. My son rode bulls all thru high school, went to Big Spring collage on a rodeo scholorship and then rode here at Tech. Once he got it out of his system and got married, he never rode another bull.
    xo bj

  19. EEEEEHAAAAAAA!!! I love them Rodeo's! AND Reba! :):)

  20. Bull riding is definitely my favorite event at the rodeo too! I got to sit in the action seats one year, RIGHT above the ground, and if you love to watch the bulls ram into the gates just a few feet in front of you, it's a fantastic place to sit.

    Are you going to make it to any other shows this year? They have a great line-up.


  21. Alyssa.. yes.. actually we'll be enjoying Brooks & Dunn and the fabulous Josh Turner!


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