Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - What's Next?

Thanks to those that were able to participate in the first Wordless Wednesday. I expect that we will grow a little each week!

Next weeks theme is "Favorite Thing(s)"... just post a pic of something that, to you, depicts the theme...

To answer a couple of questions...

Yes, we'll do Wordless Wednesday every Wednesday as long as there is an interest.

Yes, there will be a theme each week. Check the French Lique sidebar for the list and feel free to make suggestions for future Wordless Wednesday themes!

No, you do not have to let me know if you want to participate... I use "Mr. Linky", so all you have to do is post your Wordless Wednesday picture on your blog, then link up to French Lique via Mr.Linky at the bottom of my Wordless Wednesday post. I'll put my post up on Tuesday evening no later than 9 p.m. CST/CDT.

All are welcome, but keep it family friendly!
Hugs and kisses from French Lique!

1 comment:

  1. Dixie, I couldn't get blogger to upload anything yesterday. I will try to play with you at some point. This looks like a fun one. I will have to go through my photos and see if I can find aome suitable ones. :-)




To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

I hope that you'll leave a little comment (I love comments) so I know that you have visited... I'd like to visit you too!

I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

Welcome to French Lique, Texas...