Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yippie! No more highway coming through my livingroom!

For those of you that have been reading the French Lique,Texas blog from the beginning, you know that I started this blog based upon the premise that the State of Texas was going to enforce Imminent Domain and put a super highway through my living room... okay, well, they were going to force us to sell our land and home to the state to make way for the aforementioned super highway. Not only our little piece of the world, but thousands of farm and ranch acreage from far North Texas, all the way south to the Valley at the Mexico border.

An official made the profoundly stupid statement, at a public meeting no less, that it was land that "nobody used anyway". Yep, he was a city slicker, and a dumb city slicker at that... The fine people that owned, farmed, ranched and otherwise "used" that land were up in arms... we fought, and now, we've won! The following was a news piece from Real Current Events in Austin, Texas...

Trans-Texas Corridor Plans to Be Scrapped, Redesigned

Texas state officials announced Tuesday that plans for the controversial Trans-Texas Corridor have been canceled.

The superhighway would have been a mile wide toll-road, with profits going to a private company in Spain.

“The days of the Trans-Texas Corridor are over, it’s finished up,” said Texas Governor Rick Perry, who promoted the highway which has been associated by some with alleged plans for a North American Union.

The corridor will not take shape as originally envisioned, but instead has been redesigned into a scaled-down version. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, larger corridor projects will consist of smaller segments that are about 600 feet wide.

Celebrating a win for the people and the cowboys down here in French Lique!
(Now this is truly "BLISS")


  1. Dear Dixie ~ Congrats,girl!! Yippee!!! Such good news.

    I am having a pink giveaway this week. If you have a chance, stop by and take a peek! I know you like pink!


  2. Congratulations! I bet that's a huge relief!!!

  3. I just saw your 2009 word! That is my FAVORITE word in the english language!

  4. Dixie, I am back to tell you that I had forgotten about your other blog "god are you listening". I read it tonight...from where I left off originally. I just love your posts. Your words are soothing and I truly get lost in reading as if I am reading a book. You are a special lady. ~Cheryl

    ps thank you for the sidebar button, that was sweet of you and precious!

  5. Dixie, That is great news! Gads, the politians are just wacko sometimes!

    Was that super highway part of the NAFTA Highway that is supposed to stretch from Mexico--straight north to Canada? What are they thinking?

    Have a blissful day! Dana

  6. Woohoo! That's great news, Dixie!


    Sheila :-)

  7. I am thankful the road won't be built either. I live in New Braunfels and it was going to be a huge impact (that no one wanted) here, too. Glad it is working out for all of us!

  8. Congratulations! I'm glad common sense prevailed!

  9. Well, I just say...Yee haw!!! from one Southerner to another! They tried to run a major road about a mile from my house and it never materialized. Doesn't it feel great to defeat the Big Guys? Sorry to be so late...been sick and catching up!...Debbie


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