Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wordless Wednesday #1 "Resolutions" Mine - Reduce Gravitational Force... Yours - ???

If you'd like to join Wordless Wednesday, post your picture on your blog - today's subject "Resolutions" - then link to your post via Mr. Linky below. Have a BLISSful Wordless Wednesday!


  1. Well spoken, wordlessly speaking, that is! All you have to do is look at the pic of my craftroom work table and you'll KNOW what mine is! Sad, sad state of affairs! Blessing, Becky G.

  2. A picture worth a thousand words.


  3. I LOVE this idea, but unfortunately my post (put up last night is not wordless)--however, my resolution was to "start decorating earlier". :) I'm working on YOUR great resolution!!! Dana

    Do you do this every Wednesday?

  4. Every Wednesday beginning with THIS Wednesday! LOL - seems we were reading eachother's blogs at the same time... how's that for Karma!

  5. That's one of my resolutions, but I didn't choose that for wordless Wednesday. Although I have to say if my scale was pointing at 115 lb., it wouldn't be one of my resolutions!!! lol! Thanks for hosting this and see if you can figure mine out....

  6. Great minds think alike... lol....I am working on my carbon footprint and my big ole butt print too!!!
    Thanks for hosting this new fun post for us lucky girls!!

  7. What a great idea! I will participate next week as I just found your blog through camellia! Love this idea!


  8. What a wonderful blog! I'm going to be working on a felted white poodle real soon so be sure and keep in touch. Laurie

  9. Good resolutions. I forgot about WW this week, I'll join up next week :0) Will there be a theme each week?


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