Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tablescape Tuesday... black, white and green continues...

It's Tablescape Tuesday, hosted by the extremely talented and gracious Susan at "Between Naps on the Porch"... There are so many talented ladies that post the most beautiful tablescapes... I hope you will visit Susan's blog and visit all the folks posting a tablescape today!

Sunny Sunday afternoons are the perfect time to set a simple table for a light meal outside. Last Sunday it was about 65-degrees and the sunshine warmed the porch up just right. I set out this pretty black and white earthenware from Stafford, which I picked up for nearly nothing at Marshall's after Christmas sale.

Several ladies did tablescapes with black, white and green last week, which inspired me to use green in this tablescape. This old metal table and chairs was a freebie from a friend that moved out of state a few years ago. Free, yes free... couldn't pass up a bargain like that! The pretty lace tablecloth is actually not lace at all... it's vinyl for outdoor use! You wouldn't know, even close up! My chair pads are a black and cream Waverly toile from JC Penny, but I bought all 4 on eBay for $35.00!

I accented my black and creamy white with a few pieces of green depression glass purchased from a special friend whose antique business was closing, and a couple of vintage 1960's tumblers purchased at an estate auction for me, by Ricky, a few years ago.

Oh, and I can't forget my Eiffel Tower metal candle votive... I am going for a French feel here ya know! And my black and creamy white water pitcher from Hobby Lobby... I normally use it as a vase in my home office!

I used black cloth place mats to show off the plates and black & white napkins (purchased at Dillard's after Christmas closeout for $1!).

I adore this transferware pattern of farm life and the horse pulling the hay cart... a perfect plate for a country house.

Added a little French Cafe' Paris coffee cup, and sat it on a green depression glass saucer.

Perfect country table for a perfect sunny Sunday afternoon, down here in French Lique...
and don't forget to comeback tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday... click on the sibebar link for instructions... tomorrow's theme... Favorite Thing...


  1. I love your dishes! Don't you just love Marshall's? Thank goodness I live about 60 miles from one so I'm not tempted too often. What a beautiful tablescape. :)

  2. Hi Dixie!
    I bought some of those same plates at Marshalls last week :0) I love them. I really think your outdoor table is so inviting. I love the lace cloth and the accessories you chose to go with the plates! Fun times!!

  3. Hi... I love your plates! Wow! They are stunning!

    Donna Marie

  4. Absolutely charming. The setting, the table, dishes...just charming. Nice to meet you, Dixie!

  5. Hi Dixie,

    It was nice to meet you through the Blue Monday post. LOVE your poodles!! They are definitely special little dogs aren't they!?!?

    You said in your Blue Monday post that you purchased your tea cozy in League City, TX. I have shopped the cute little stores in that area many times. My parents live in Houston, right by Hobby Airport so it is not far at all from there. Do you live in that area?

    LOVE your tablescape....it is so pretty!

  6. Dixie,
    Thank-you for your kind comments on my 1st tablescape. I love your tablescape, those plates are just wonderful!!! I also want to be where it is 65 degrees right now. I am so jealous!! Cindy freezing her butt off in Wisc.

  7. Cynthia... frozen yankees are always welcome at French Lique, where the weather is almost always, delightful!

  8. That's lovely, Dixie!
    I love black and white, and those dishes are stunning!
    And what a buy on the napkins...so pretty!

  9. Everything looks just perfect for a Sunday brunch. Love being outside in the winter.
    The bliss Journey

  10. I love your fresco table. I love black and white and this is so pretty...

  11. Beautiful! I am going to have to go have another look at Marshalls!

    LOVE the black/white!

  12. Beautiful tablescape. I have a plate, with that farm scene in brown. I love the black and white.

  13. Very very nice! So nice to see a table set in sunshine.
    I got those same Stafford dishes, love them, the black and cream go so well with anything. Like your candle holder too.

  14. What pretty scenes on that transferware. I love your Eiffel Tower candle holder. laurie

  15. Isn't Texas weather great...... I adore your dishes.....I just love toile on china..... farm scenes are so charming.....lovely setting...

  16. Hi Dixie!
    Thanks for your nice comments on my tablescape. I love yours! I bought those same dishes at Marshal's after Xmas too! I love the way they look on your little patio table. Ooooh...so french! Makes me excited to use mine soon! Have a Blessed day!

  17. Love every detail...especially those plates...never would have guessed the tablecloth wasn't cloth!
    Have a happy week!

  18. Love the black and white....truly stunning! French;)

  19. seems a lot of ladies were shopping Marshall's after Christmas sale! guess that means we are ladies of very discriminating taste! ;)

  20. What beautiful transferware. I love the farm life pattern. Black, white and green is so chic right now, too. I love to see what everyone does with bargain dishes...

    Today in Michigan it's 6 degrees with a windchill of below zero.

    It's fun to come here and see a deck tablescape for warm weather!

  21. Your table really spoke to me. I adore transferware. I have every color but black - I must go shopping!! Thanks for sharing. Sally

  22. Beautiful and unique tablescape! Love the lace tablecloth! ~Rhonda :)

  23. Dixie, I want to go shopping with you! Those dishes are FABULOUS and loving everything French the way I do...you made me feel extremely welcomed! Totally awesome blog! Will be back to visit OFTEN! Very "Francais et Chic"...come see me! ~CC Catherine

  24. A great table, love toile!

  25. holy moly i love toile! and that transferware looks so awesome!

  26. love love love that black and white setting! soo cute. I love transferware and toile. hey that would be a great blog name --- I
    like that! Transferware and Toile.


  27. "Beautiful" table...I love Eiffel towers and anything paris....I bet your meal turned out divine. I am new to the blogging world and I just found your site...very nice.
    please stop by my place if you get a chance...I would be honored you stopped by

  28. I love your table! Looks like it was a pretty day to be sitting on the deck too!

  29. If one is to dine in France, Paris is the place and outdoors is the space!~~~ How charming, and what a LOVELY way to take advantage of a wonderful Sunday together! Simply DIVINE! Thank you for sharing! Linda

  30. Dixie...love your French tablescape! The plates are wonderful. The tablecloth is amazing...looks so much like lace! Love the vintage glasses. And the green with the black and cream is soooo elegant. Thanks for sharing this beautiful table. Can't wait until I can dine outside again...way too cold here, right now.


To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

I hope that you'll leave a little comment (I love comments) so I know that you have visited... I'd like to visit you too!

I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

Welcome to French Lique, Texas...