Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Milestone or a Bump in the Road... 100th post "celebration"?

(sorry about the cigarette; the photo was too irresistable not to use!)
I'm not sure about all this celebration for the 100th post thing... so I just thought I'd go ahead and get it over with... and here's what I'm thinking about...
I like to write therefore I blog...

just in case someone, somewhere might be interested in listening to me...

and let's face it... it's pretty anonymous... both from the poster and the reader point of view...

I have no idea if what I write has any meaning to anyone else... (and I highly doubt that the world awaits my insights...) But sometimes when I write something, I make myself laugh a little, so I hope it has the same effect on you...
I've decided to skip the celebration of a 100th post. Instead I thought I'd just say "thank you" for stopping by my blog every once in a while; for reading, and then taking the time to leave a comment or two... YOU are Unique and Special... to me.
It takes courage on the part of the writer/poster... and sometimes on the part of the commenter, to put words out and hope that someone will receive them.
Blessings to all... Have a Blissful Day. Sending you each a little sunshine from down here in French Lique...


  1. I enjoy reading your blog now that I found it! I too, make myself laugh sometimes when I write my blog. I'm probably the only one that gets my sense of humor. But I enjoy yours!

    I love the picture with the 100th bday...I shouldn't because she is smoking , but it soooo reminds me of my day - that is something he would have done )God bless his heart and rest is soul)!

    Happy 100th!

  2. Whoops! It's me again. I meant to say in my previous comment...........that's something my DAD would have done....not my day. Should have previewed that before I published! SORRY! :(

  3. Happy 100th blog post, Dixie! I so enjoy your blog!!!

  4. That first picture is a hoot! I know a couple of people who will probably do that!

  5. Happy 100th! More bliss right back at cha!

  6. I love your pictures and what a creative post. Well, congrats anyway even if you aren't officially celebrating. LOL Hmmm...French Lique is pretty darn close to where I live in real life but since we're hollerin' distance here in blogland do stop and visit! :)Nancy

  7. FAAAABULOUS pic (well, not what she's DOING, but the tongue-in-cheek humor of it is terriffic!)~~~ Happy 100th, with or withOUT a "special party"... Lots of us stopped "happily acknowledging" our BDs, in favor of simply relishing in our glory that HAVING a BD is better than the alternative!!! Smiles to you~~~ Linda

  8. Many 'happy returns' on your 100th post. I thoroughly enjoy your writigs,and look forward to many more new posts from you. Blessings, Becky G.

  9. CONGRATULATIONS my new friend on your 100th post!! May there be many, many, MANY more!!♥

  10. :( Im late!

    But i still love you and your BLOG :)

  11. LOVE the picture! That is too funny


To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

I hope that you'll leave a little comment (I love comments) so I know that you have visited... I'd like to visit you too!

I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

Welcome to French Lique, Texas...