Thursday, January 15, 2009

Greetings from

I get emails from Amazon and Boarders a couple of times a week. They are so kind to keep me abreast of new offerings in print that I might enjoy. I like Amazon the best; their prices are better and you get free shipping for orders of $25 or more... so I never-ever pay shipping!

A week or so ago, my friends at Amazon sent me an email... "Hello Dixie, We thought you might enjoy these..." and they were right.

Yesterday my printed treasures arrived. I haven't had a chance to do anything but a quick flip through, but I'm so excited that they are here... I thought I'd share at least the covers with you today... more later on the inside...
oooooh-la-la... what inspiration may I find in here?!

I can hardly wait to have some time to see what I can create... wearable art... the best!

and this one... a Valentine from me to me... I LOVE reading LOVE Letters... I've already peeked, and I'm thinking... cozy chair, poodles, blankie, cup of tea... and thee...

The joy of new books being celebrated today, down here in French Lique...


  1. These are all so yummy!!! Make sure to share all of the goodies you'll find inside!!!

  2. Hi Dixie~ wow....what great books! One of my favorite things to do is go to Barnes and Noble and browse books and magazines....hours on end.

    I am in real need of splurging on some new books! I love the whole process of finding them, buying them, seeing them all in the bag sitting on the seat in the anticipation of getting them home so I can look at them all again.... and knowing they will be entertaining me for days and months to come!!

    Have fun with your new "reads" !!! ~Cheryl

  3. These books look beautiful, and you made me want to order that first one. I get those emails from Amazon, and I usually don't even open them, because they are always so tempting! Now you've gone and tempted me anyway! I love that picture of the 100 yr old with the cig. in your last posting!! congratulations on making to 100 posts! I'm not sure I'll make it to that many. Thanks for coming by to see my tablescape. I'll be back to your blog often. laurie

  4. Ohhhhh, that last one, especially, looks very interesting. Like you, I never pay for shipping either. I always make sure I get to the 25. or more level-either Amazon or Books a Million. BAM even sweetens the deal sometimes with bonus codes!

    Enjoy your quality time with those good reads!

  5. Those look like some WONDERFUL browsing books. I know you are going to enjoy them!

  6. Ohhhh! Dixie...Keep us posted on what you think! Those look like really good books! I love my Charles Faudree books. I consult CF before changing anything in my house!!lol Thanks for th einfo on the boots, BTW. I checked them out on line...they make all kinds! Have a great weekend!...Debbie

  7. The art on the covers is enogh to draw you in...

    Let us know what you find in there...what INSPIRES you!


To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

I hope that you'll leave a little comment (I love comments) so I know that you have visited... I'd like to visit you too!

I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

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