Friday, January 16, 2009

The China Cabinet Declutter... a success!

Let me preface this post by saying... I can't tell you how many times I've searched the internet for help with organizing my china cabinet. I was looking for something practical, with pictures (I'm a visual person); because I wanted it to be organized, but also pretty. Until now, I had absolutely zero success... and then one day...

Browsing though magazines while getting my monthly hair highlights at "Bernie's Mane Event" last month... I came across the February 2008 issue of Better Homes and Gardens. Inside I found a piece on organizing your China Cabinet. "Bernie (short for Bernadette), can I borrow this magazine...?"... Bernie replied, "Take it... and don't bring it back." (that's Bernie!)... and so I did.

sorry the photos of the magazine aren't so good, but I think you'll get the idea...

Finally, last weekend, while putting up Christmas, I took time to follow the instructions and organize my china cabinet. Wow! Looks great! I couldn't believe how much stuff I was able to get in there... and when I get my office organized and redecorated this weekend... I'll move my Lladro into my new curio in my office, and my china cabinet will be perfect!
Why can I never remember to do the before photos????!!! Ah, well!
and while I was in the kitchen/dining decluttering mode...

I finally convinced Ricky that we could let go of this 30-year old set of everyday Corell. Yep, 5-piece place settings... 10 of them for everyday... going to Goodwill this weekend. Goodbye old friend; you survived the tough years, now it's time to retire from this household and move on to greener pastures, where someone else will love you for the next 30-years... everyday. And thank you Organising Queen for the encouragement & inspiration to declutter!

I've already done my Pink Saturday and Blue Monday posts, and scheduled them to show up on my blog on the right day. Why you ask? Because for the next 4-days I'll be organizing and redecorating my home office. That means, limited access to my computer. I'm going to take the before pictures today, and hopefully, post the before and the after pictures early next week!

Dreaming about being decluttered and organized in my home office, down here in French Lique!


  1. Dixie,
    You go girl.....your china hutch looks beautiful. You did a great job. I love your nuns....they are precious....was it Belgian Nuns you called them.
    don't hurt yourself moving things..
    have fun

  2. I've got my Ricky for the heavy moving... and the Lladro Nun series were based upon Belgium Nuns and the habits that they wore.

  3. Hi Dixie! It looks fabulous! I love the way you've stacked your teacups! My old china is going to Goodwill this week, too, along with some other stuff. My mom had that Corell, too. I think you could hit ti with ahammer and it wouldn't break! Havea great weekend...Debbie

  4. yep I inherited the Corell myself.

    stacking teacups... I'd have never thought of that one except for the Better Homes article! Who'd a thought?

  5. Oh my goodness, this looks fabulous.. I'm on a hunt for a china cabinet very smilar.. want to have more space to actually display more china. :-)I too will be working in the office trying to put things back together..happy organizing my friend.. hugs ~lynne~

  6. Great job...goodness, your after pic could be in a magazine!

  7. Oh, it looks so pretty! I'll have to borrow my mil's BHG and read it.

    I have some of that same pattern of Corelle! I bought it at a garage sale probably 15 yrs. ago for a buck or two for the whole box of dinner and dessert plates. I figured I could afford for it not to come back to my house if I took food in for church functions or friends. I never even labeled it with my name, like I did my good dishes/pans.

    I was wrong. It was the opposite effect. People saw the 70's pattern and were not only returning my plates, but ones that they had lurking around in their own cabinets along with them since they thought I'd like more of it. It was like Pandora's box.

    I can't wait to see pics of your Sat and Mon. I hope you have a very productive few days getting your home office in order. Looking forward to seeing those pics as well :-)

  8. I love organization. Now, you've challenged me to get moving! Thanks for sharing.

  9. You did a great job on your china cabinet. I love the idea of stacking the cups. You've inspired me to organize mine! Have a great weekend!

  10. Your china cabinet looks so pretty, AND you have so much stored in there. Isn't it wonderful to feel organized and have it look pretty at the same time? Great job. laurie

  11. Good seems like everyone is in clean out and de-clutter mode these days! I better "get on the stick" and clean out MY stuff.

    Happy New Year from Houston! Susan

  12. Pretty, pretty, pretty.

    Thanks for visiting...but, please return...I'm having a give-away...
    stop by and take a peek...

  13. That looks great!

    I started a new link at Simply Put called Must Read. The first post honors go to your Einstein article on your other blog. Great Post!

  14. Chris... you are the best! I wasn't too sure how the Einstein post would go over. Thanks for the kuddos! Dixie

  15. Thanks for sharing, it looks great and I bet it feels good to have it done so nicely. Have a nice wkend Cindy your freezing yankee friend

  16. Dixie...your china cabinet looks awesome! Don't you have an old pic somewhere that "accidently" has a shot of your china cabinet in it. This would make for a great Metamorphosis Monday post this Monday! :-) I love the aprons your sister makes and Panda is positively adorable in hers!:-) Susan

  17. Your china collection is awesome, you've certainly done a great job with the new display Dixie. As for the Corelle - yep, the Goodwill or some such charity shop (I now donate to a local one which serves a group of churches, using the money to help families displaced and homeless)will find a good home for that set!

    BTW, I didn't forget the tag post - had it all done and Blogger messed up and LOST it instead of saving it. Grrrrr!!!! this weekend I'm having Save/Publish problems again - isn't it madddeningg? Will try to re-do it another time.

  18. beautiful!!!!

    You did a great job with your cabinet- it looks just gorgeous

  19. Hi I did the china challenge thing too but yours looks gorgeous! Wish I had a pretty china cupboard like that (sigh)!


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