Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wordless Wednesday... chairs at the pond....

Stacy Pace Photography


  1. This picture makes me want to BE there sitting in one of those chairs, preferably with a good friend next to me for a LONG chat.

  2. Hi Dixie,
    Now that's a place where I could spend some lazy time.


  3. Great minds think alike - I took a photo of my andirondaks this last weekend - going to post it tomorrow! Love your photo! Sandi

  4. Love it and I can only imagine how lovely it is when there is water in the pond. Hoping for some rain next week.
    Clicking my heals and repeating Omas...Omas...Omas...
    Hugs Girlfriend ;-)

  5. Love that peaceful location....and those wonderful chairs!!!

    Hope all is well with you! L, Dana

  6. Can I go sit there???
    I am still sooooo hot.

    Cry Baby Laura


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