Sunday, July 31, 2011

Blue Monday... Girls at the Beach by Ann Iungerman

I found this artwork via a Face Book Friend of a Friend... I tought it was beautiful... and...
Ann Iungerman
I thought that Sally would love it too...
I don't know anything about the artist, except that she is a friend of my friend Nancy... Facebook is a funny place you know... sometimes you find something wonderful there...
I'm joining Sally for Blue Monday today... and wishing Sally a speedy recovery and a welcome back home... from down here in French Lique..

UPDATE... spoke to Ann last night via FB chat... (thanks for the intro Nancy) and she was so thrilled I'd posted her artwork... she updated her status with my Blogger link... Thanks Ann for sharing yourself in Blogger land...


  1. This is just beautiful Dixie-
    How can I track this artist down?

    White Spray Paint

  2. Hello Dixie!
    I feel honored that you like my pictures. What a great idea this with pinetrest is!
    Have a lovely day!

    Susanne ♥

  3. Absolutely beautiful.

    My Blue Monday is here.

  4. A very pretty, sweet work of art.

  5. This is so pretty!

  6. Oh I love that piece of Artwork. Great choice, have a great week :)

  7. Dixie!!! I'm so glad to see you blogging again. Beautiful Blue Monday picture - I'd so love to be at the beach right now! I know - winter - that's what we need. This drought is getting scary.
    Why haven't we ever crossed paths? Someday we'll just have to make a point to meetup. I saw the Curious Boys booth at Blue Hills and loved it and then stopped in a Glory B's. She is the sweetest gal and what a great store. Heading over to look at your Pinterest now which is like being lost in Wonderland - isn't it the neatest deal? Keep cool. xoxo Nancy

  8. I absolutely love this picture! It has a vintage feel although the children are not dressed vintage.

  9. Hi Dixie!
    Hope all is well with you and that you are keeping cool and collected down there in French Lique!

    Love the painting. She's a good artist.


  10. That is a super neat painting, Dixie. Love it!

    I'm hoping Sally is doing better. I will head over there and check out her post.

    Love you...


    Sheila :-)

  11. Such a sweet picture! Don't you just love little girls having fun!


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