Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Perfect Country Cottage Guestroom... continued from Blue Monday

The Second Time Around.... or maybe 3rd or 4th... but I love this wall full of mostly empty frames... I left some their original patina... and some I painted white or cottage white... and there's even an Aqua Blue which is my punch of color for this Cottage White guestroom...

This just might be my favorite wall decor in my house! Each frame, gathered over time from various thrift stores, antique malls and garage sale or two... My cost limit for frames is $5, and most of these... I paid less... so the cost of this near-pictureless wall of cottage frames.... less than $50... and that includes the one with the picture!   
Recycled and Thrifty... that's what we love... down here in French Lique!

1 comment:

  1. Well, howdy, girlfriend...:)
    My very first thought when I saw this photo of your guest room was, "Whaaaat? Chandy in place of a ceiling fan? And this woman lives in TEXAS.???"
    But, then, I read your earlier post and see you DID add a fan. Man, there is no way we could do without our ceiling fans out here in West Texas. I sure would LOVE pretty chandies in my bedrooms, tho. :(

    Lovin your wall here. Really pretty, Dixie.


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