Sunday, June 12, 2011

A little Aqua Blue in the perfect Country Cottage Guest Room... It's a sneak peek!

I don't know about you... but for me... when I'm decorating a room... I always start with my inspiration piece...

For my guestroom, this pretty quilt that Candy spotted, and I purchased, one day late last year, while doing some serious thrifty shopping at Twice Blessed in San Marcos... Quilt and 3- shams.... $15... The fabric on the right is ready to create a cushion for my vanity chair...

Then a couple of months ago while flipping through one of my favorite magazines... A painting of a group of bathers at seaside inspired me to go on the hunt... It took a few weeks, but once again Twice Blessed had the perfect thing... there was a grouping of 4, but I only needed one... so I picked this one... a beautiful seaside scape... $12... yes... that included the frame!

This pretty little train case found at Beverly's Glory B's in Geronimo... $13! This is the original color... right now it's full of mercury glass ornaments... but I'm thinking of displaying something else in it... any ideas?
and finally... since we do live in South Texas, and I so brilliantly decided to replace the ceiling fan with a shabby crystal chandelier... I added this little tabletop vintage oscillating fan... bought on eBay years ago... I think I paid about $15 plus shipping...

So that's the teaser... a little aqua BLUE on Blue Monday... Now go visit Sally and see who else is BLUE today... and stop back by French Lique when you get a chance... I promise to reveal the perfect Country Cottage Guestroom real soon...  down here in French Lique!


  1. What a beautiful room! I love the lightness and softness of it. I have two of the beach painting by the same artist in my own room, that my girlfriend gave me over 20 years ago.

    Thanks for sharing, and happy Blue Monday.

    Kathy M.

  2. I love browsing the resale and thrift stores. Rarely buy, as I need to be getting rid of things. Your choices and what you did with them are great.

  3. What a nice vignette for your guest room.

  4. Aqua is the perfect summer time color. It's so refreshing and makes me feel cooler just looking at it! I love the train case and I'm on the hunt for a white one to actually use as case. Who'da thunk it!


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