Sunday, February 7, 2010

Silver Sunday... Thrifty Finds and Simple Pleasures...

My thrifty silver find (thank you Goodwill) is this pretty carafe... I just love the elegance of the pretty glass and silver combination...

She was in pretty good shape.. just a little tarnished and dirty...

but what beautiful bones..

and fabulous design...

So of course... I made her sparkling clean...

and shiny...

and put her for sale in my booth...
Then there are these... tarnished with age...
Baby cups... one with an embossed duck.. the other engraved with the initial "D"... for Dixie? Maybe Debbie or David... or even Dexter... So right now... I've decided to leave them as found... tarnished but loved...

and then there were this sweet pair... I'm also leaving tarnished for the time being... I think it brings out the detail... A Santa and A Christmas Tree... S&P... I'm already dreaming of Christmas Tablescapes 2010... aren't they just the sweetest pair?

I'm joining sweet Beth for Silver Sunday again this week... If you love silver and want to see more... visit Beth at Gypsy Fish Journal... the participants are on her sidebar... you'll love what you see...
we'll be missing you Silver Sundays... down here in French Lique...


  1. leaving them tarnished but loved...i like that...

    your booth setup is certainly an eye the light flowing over the pieces, adds to the joy.

  2. G'day, Dixie ~ What a lovely presentation of beautiful pieces. I favor the baby cups ...

    Happy Valentine's
    Have a beautiful week!
    TTFN ~Marydon

  3. These are beautiful pieces Dixie. Your new booth looks wonderful, hope it's going well for you! Kathy

  4. I love those baby cups! I also like to see the patina left of the silver pieces.

  5. ADORE the letters neath your header...I just did some art like that for a restaurant...aren't they a blast?

  6. The Christmas salt and pepper are so unique...treasures, love them.

  7. It was a great piece to stumble onto and cleaned up beautifully. Goes very nicely on the counter top under the feather window.
    I keep forgetting to mention (remembered this time) I love the chippy wood, etc. letters that spell out French Lique. Would like to know where you discovered those...and love the new background. So Valentiney and so you.
    Missing our sunshine today but crafting inside and collecting ideas and items for the gazebo.
    Sunday Blessings ;-)

  8. You have a great collection of silver - what a pretty booth. Bet you sell a lot of things! Love the baby cups! Linda

  9. Love the silver you are showing today! Wonderful!

  10. Dixie, your header and background are just lovely!!!!! Beautiful change :)

  11. Hi Dixie! Love that coffee carafe! I have one and sometimes I transfer my morning coffee into it and use a pretty cup and saucer to make myself feel special! Cute baby cups, too! I LOVE your new header...especially the letters! So unique! Happy Sunday!...hugs...Debbie

  12. Hi Dixie,
    I really love your blogger heading today, it's so pretty. Love that curvy arm bench in green. Yum.
    Your silver is so lovely and gotta love that GW. Your booth looks nice, show us some more.


  13. Forget what I just said. I just saw your Saturday post featuring your booth, and I'm so glad that you showed it to us. It's lovely.


  14. First of all I love that green chair with the fab pillows in your header! And your coffee carafe is wonderful, I can't wait til I find one with all of the pieces! Theresa

  15. Gorgeous pieces, Dixie - love it all!
    Wonderful Silver Sunday post!

  16. You know how excited I get with a Goodwill Treasure find! Good for you. Tarnished but loved was the right choice.


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