Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's Springtime at French Lique in Blue Hills...

Saturday was spent in my booth... adding... straightening... hanging... making ready for Spring! I'm exhausted! So now, before I go Pink Saturday Visiting... I promised #2 & #3 daughters... and Sweet Sister, that I'd post a few photos of my work... ! Blue Hills was alive with lots of booth vendors getting things ready for Spring just like me... and lots and lots of customers... hope they all found a little treasure today!

This is the view entering my booth... my favorite inanimate gal... Matilda... awaits your arrival and beckons you in...

This is one of those giant birdcages... this one is very rusty and rustic... so I filled it with a grapevine wreath, a large birds nest and lots of silk flowers and Easter eggs... Now it's not just shabby... It's Cottage Shabby Chic!

Here's one of my little green garden chairs with it's Lilly Pulitzer napkin seat... and Sweet Sister made cute little pillows with ball fringe... I just love them. This morning I added vintage pink buttons to the center of the green throw pillows... after looking at them all week... I just thought they needed a little something...

The booth is so small... I loaded the table up with vintage china and glassware..

One adorable little lady came into my both today while I was setting up and asked.. "is it time for tea?"
But of course Cherie!

This is Sweet Sister's corner... Those are little fabric yo-yo refrigerator magnets that Sis makes with scraps left over from her apron creations... they're so cute... all hand stitched...

A broader view of Sweet Sis's corner... She has some pretty Fenton glassware for sale too...

Here's Matilda again... Beckoning you in... saying "Come on down here to French Lique"...


  1. Oh, I'm in heaven! How absolutely wonderful your booth is! Everything is just absolutely lovely and I think Matilda is so divine!!

    Tres chic, Dixie!!


  2. Dixie, your booth is awesome. I had to enlarge each picture and view all your pretties. I'm telling you, if I was in Texas, I'd be buying your pink and green patio set which I do not need. Best wishes for many "spring sales"

  3. What a beau-ti-ful have some wonderful merchandise...tell your sis that I luv the pillows! I sooooo miss my booths...thanks for sharing yours with me:)


  4. Don't you just hate to part with some of those wonderful things? Of course...there are always more treasures to find!


  5. Dixie...your booth is so pretty...I'm glad you are sharing it with us...

  6. I love your display, Dixie. I also like the garden chairs, the colors with the pillows are very pretty....Christine

  7. Your space is looking great. Hey, I wanted to tell you I'm doing a show near you in March, on my side bar, and it's on a Wednesday evening and Thursday. Maybe you can make it out.

  8. Hey Dixie!

    Your booth is just beautiful! Matilda is gorgeous! Thanks for showing us a few pictures of your shop!

    Have a Great Week!

  9. looks great! and i know it feels even better! i think matilda is my favorite!

  10. Wish I lived near your beautiful little boutique!

  11. Oh Dixie what booth looks just darling girl...Hope you have a GREAT Sunday...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  12. Dixie- Your booth looks so pretty. I need to make a trip to Geronimo soon!


  13. Your booth looks very nice and inviting. Maks me wonder where French Lique is in Texas. Too far from here I guess or I would have heard of it. Happy Pink Saturday!

  14. WOW so nice and bright. Love the new table set. Perfect for displaying all your gorgeous dishes.
    Nice to hear the mall was busy with folks.
    Enjoyed the glorious sunshine out cutting cedar today after I took MIL to HEB. Everyone was there get their Super Bowl party stuff. Guess we should have waited until tomorrow.
    Good luck on the new location WOO-HOO!

  15. I see lots and lots of stuff I need in there! Time for me to pay you a visit, I think! :-)


  16. Looking good, hope you sale tons and tons. And I just love the chair and Matilda is just the bomb...
    PS remind me to post a picture of my Matilda one day...

  17. Matilda looks quite lovely in her spring finery! Beautiful items ~

  18. The booth looks absolutely beautiful. Love, Me

  19. Dixie,
    Your booth is so gorgeous and full of goodies. I want to come there and shop. How I wish I was nearby.

    I love it all.


  20. If you show me those chairs one more time, I'm driving to Texas! I want them bad! LOL! You temptress, you!


    Sheila :-)


To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

I hope that you'll leave a little comment (I love comments) so I know that you have visited... I'd like to visit you too!

I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

Welcome to French Lique, Texas...