Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hey Grandma! It's Snowing... again...

My Grandkiddos had a wonderful time with the Dallas area snow today...
Little Einstein had a serious snowball fight...

Sweet Panda cheered him on... and got in a few shots of her own!

They decided there was enough snow...

to build a snow fort...
while across town their cousin... Romeo...

had a snow ball fight of his own going on...
and Romeo decided to build a snowperson...

for his mom...

Happy PINK SATURDAY Valentine's from Texas...
and from down here in French Lique...


  1. Love the snow fort. Looks like it's made of big ole snow marshmallows.

  2. Sweet snow angels..y'all have fun and stay warm~

  3. It's been a while since I've been by.. I'm so glad I chose today. The children are adorable.. what fun they had..we're expecting more snow this w/k.. all our way are pretty tired of the white stuff. It seems to have been on the ground "forever"... hugs ~lynne~

  4. Who loves snow better than kids? Have a great day!

  5. Cute grandkids...this must be heaven to kids that aren't used to snow!

  6. Great photo of your precious snow angel. All having fun with the cold stuff.
    If it's going to be cold here I wish we would get snow too.
    Warm Hearts!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I miss the snow somedays...but I will take 75 often too!

    Happy Valentines...

  8. This must be fun for kids who never get to see snow. Of course those of us who see it can stop now!

    Cute kids:)


  9. As a THOROUGHLY northwoods gal, I am just tickled PINK to see your Texas grandkiddos getting the CHANCE to enjoy some snow. It is MARVELOUS stuff. Just marvelous!

    I could launch off in tons of snow-play stories of my own, but shall resist the urge.

  10. That is just sweet Dixie! I'm sure they are just loving all of the snow they got! The Snow Angel and the Snow Person and the Snow Fort are just precious! They will remember this for the rest of their lives!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  11. I don't know which is sweeter...the kids or the heart on the snowman!
    That fort is pretty clever!

  12. I am so loving all the snow pictures from my frozen fellow Texans!

    Stay warm!


  13. Love your pictures of the kids in snow!! They all need that in their childhood at least once!
    Yay! You're going to Paper Cowgirl. Is Candy going? She NEEDS to!
    xoxo Nancy

  14. What a lovely pink valentine post. yes kids love snow and I love the look of it but not for too long. LOL
    Happy pink Valentine

  15. I am so glad those kids could experience the joys of playing in the snow. I loved the fort and the snow person!!!

    Now, will you just make sure that the snowy mess will be GONE by the time I come to Texas! :)

    Happy Valentine's Day! L, Dana

    PS Have you made your banner of LOVE?

  16. Dropping back by to wish you a Happy Pink Saturday on the day, and also a Happy Valentine's Day.

    Love you much...


    Sheila :-)

  17. I'm jealous of all you people with snow. Great pictures. Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Valentine's Day.

  18. SUNSHINE!!!YEAH!!!
    Love you and your Valentine locked in each others gaze.
    Heart-felt Blessings going all the way down to French Lique.

  19. Looks like a lot of fun for them! Happy Valentine's Day!


  20. The snow looks wonderful! I'm envious.

  21. Your grandchildren are so cute, & I love that sweet snowperson they built! Wanted to let you know I linked to your post on my post today about all the snow here in Texas! What a snowstorm! Stay warm, Patti

  22. what a GREAT name for your grandson...Romeo! I wish I had thouight of that name while naming my kids!!
    kat (a sweet n kind lurker! haha)


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