Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blue Monday... Photos I've Been Saving for Sally...

I don't have a whole lot of blue in my house... so every time I go thrifting or junking (is it the same thing? I'm not sure?)... anyway... every time I go, I'm always taking photo of blue things... and I always think... I'll post this one for Sally's Blue Monday...
today... I've picked just a few of my favorite blue finds... these photos I've been saving just for you Sally...

This vintage blue thingy... a frosted blue candle holder... It was quite expensive... neither junk nor thrift.. thus it was left for another lover of blue...

I just love this Fenton Blue Crested vase... Pretty milkglass vase trimmed in clear blue glass... just beautiful... you might also notice a bit of blue transferware in the background... not by accident I might add...

This wonderful blue rooster cookie jar was one of my favorite finds... the price was right, but alas... his pretty blue tail had broken off and then poorly repaired... I'm not one that refuses to buy an item repaired... I'm just a little picky about the quality of the repair job...

I really love the pretty blue and white bell in the photo too... so delicate and pretty... Just for you Sally...

So Sally... when you're ready to come visit Texas... us Texas gals will take you out for one of our favorite margaritas... at our favorite TexMex food spot... with plenty of blue... just for you...

and that's a promise from Down Here in French Lique...


  1. Dixie, great blues! That is a shame about that wonderful rooster cookie jar! Oh, that Fenton vase-gorgeous! Love your cute book at the end of the post. laurie

  2. Very pretty blues. Love the rooster cookie jar but such a bad repair job. That Fenton vase is beautiful..I've never seen one like that.

  3. yes i can see you all...sipping the beverages and dancing the night away in TX!

    love the blue rooster!!

  4. I do the same things. Always looking for blues. You found some very good ones.

  5. Hi Dixie
    I love all your blues especially that rooster. To bad it had a bad repair job on it! I collect Rooster anything!
    Happy Blue Monday...

  6. Al a lovely blue but the rooster wins hands down!

  7. my favourite is the blue edged vase!

  8. Dixie, what a great idea for a post. I enjoyed browsing through the junk shop with you, and my favorite treasure was the elegant bell.

    Hope you have a happy Blue Monday!

  9. You found a bunch of blues, but everyone seems to go for that rooster with the badly repaired tail. I'm like you; I'm picky too. Happy Blue Monday.

  10. You found alot of blue items i love the candle holder thanks for sharing

    happy blue monday

  11. I don't have a lot of blue in my house either, but I love the items you took pictures of. I need to branch out a little and add in some blue.

  12. Well, for not many blues, the ones you DO have are VERY nice!! LOVE the rooster!.. And those margaritas sure look good too! Happy Blue Monday! ~tina

  13. Great blues in your photo collection and I can almost taste that last one...
    Love your little Dixie picture at the end.
    You really know how to do it down there in French Lique...

  14. Happy Blue Monday-great idea about taking a camera to go thriftin.
    I think I would have to bought the blue lefton vase-georgeous.
    ann at tin and sparkle.

  15. Lots of cute blue stuff. The candle holder is my favorite.

    Happy Blue Monday!

    Mine is here.

  16. I don't have blue in my house either...or pink, so I don't play along. I love blue...and I've had it in other houses...but, I went completely different with this house. You found some interesting things!


  17. Those are some fun blues, there, Dixie! Love them, and I also love your chair in your header. That chair is just waaaaaaay cool!


    Sheila :-)

  18. those are great blue items! my fave is the second one ;)

    u may view mine here

  19. Hey Dixie!

    Those are some beautiful blue finds! But the little girl at the end is over the top! I love it! You have the cutest things on your blog!

    Hope you have a Great Week!

  20. Love all your blues...would have been hard to leave them behind...especially the milk glass piece.
    Happy Blue Monday!

  21. I love that candlestick, but I am a sucker for Fostoria which I think that it might be.

    Precious and Roxy are too cute.

  22. Very beautiful blues !I think I like the Fenton vase the best .

  23. Hey Dixie,
    That's some fancy-smansy blue stuff you are showing us today.
    Pretty though.
    I am not too much into blue, but I sure like to look at it.
    Thanks for the lovely post.


  24. Those were some beautiful finds Dixie. How nice of you to think of Sally and get pics even though you didn't buy them.

    Thrifing vs. junking...hmm...I'd say junking finds are always thrifty but thrifting finds aren't always junky...that should clear things up...maybe.

  25. Glad I caught you before ya left so you could have the perfect cupcake topper.
    We went to New Braunfels today for music. Nasty cold weather...I am so ready for Spring. But good weather for hanging out in an Antique mall, hope business is picking up a bit.
    Be safe out and about...

  26. Just said a prayer for baby girl's safety. I am going to have to get out in our cold rain today...gonna warm up the retired teachers with some hula ;-)

  27. Dixie, those are some lovely blues! That Fenton glass vase reminds me of one Mama had that had pink around the edge. I gave it to one of my best friends because she had been so faithful about praying for my mother during her life.

    Have fun with your family and friends who are visiting!


    Sheila :-)

  28. Pretty blues, Dixie..
    Now, when all you gals have a TEXAN BLOGGERS PARTY down your way, don't you dare forget me!! I am only a few hours away and I will be there, God willin' and the creeks don't rise!!
    Hey, we oughta shoot for sometime during the summer...wait a minute..just where DO you live?
    Hugs, bj


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