Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Romeo does it again!

Romeo-Romeo... did you pull out your front teeth Romeo... ?

yes Grandma... I did it... again...

Wonder what the tooth fairy will bring this time... down here in French Lique...


  1. He looks so proud!

    See ya in the morning ;-)

  2. That little darling looks totally pleased with himself! Smart kid! :) I..think he has your number! :)

  3. Loosing front teeth is a red letter day in the life of young people. What do they go for these days? The tooth fairy always left silver coins at our house.

  4. That face and smile deserver BIG bucks! :)

  5. Dixie, What a hansome grandson and how happy he looks without teeth!
    Hope the Grandma Fairy was generous in her reward!!!!


  6. Can he still whistle "Dixie" without those teeth? Precious, precious photo!

  7. Romeo is keeping that tooth fairy busy...Is he going to see the new movie with "The Rock" about becoming the tooth fairy??

  8. Some day he will hate that photo...but, I love it! So cute.


  9. LOL! Love it! I can remember wiggling those teeth till they came out.

    Ceclia looked like that last summer. Hers are finally growing back in now. How old is Romeo by the way? Maybe we could start up a budding romance between them. She's seven.


    Sheila :-)

  10. Hey Dixie!

    Cute! I do hope the Tooth Fairy gave him some big $ for those teeth! It will be awhile before he can whistle! hehehe

    My Little Man is about to lose two bottom teeth. He is going to have a huge space there when that happens. Hopefully this weekend! It will be his first tooth. I've already bought him a little box to put his tooth in for the tooth fairy to get when he goes to bed. It will be so much easier for the tooth fairy too! hehehe


  11. Oh Romeo, Romeo...where for art thou Tooth! He is so darn cute.


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