Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wordless Wednesday... Fairy Tales and Fantasy...

Please join Heather... who is graciously hosting Wordless Wednesday this summer at her blog, Simply Joyful Photos. Summer subject...

Bloggers Choice...


  1. Hi Dixie,
    glad to see you here...Happy WW...

  2. Hey Dixie!

    I just love it! Harry Potter! Are you going to see it at midnight tonight??? My daughter is begging me to take her! lol We usually wait until it comes out on DVD and buy it! We have all of the movies and we have seen them a lot of times.

    Happy Wordless Wednesday!


  3. Oh Dixie! You must be a Harry Potter fan! I try to watch the movies and can't understand half of what they are saying...although Jane Austen movies don't seem to suffer from the same problem! Just call me small town country! lol Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  4. Hi Dixie,

    Enjoy your summer holidays and happy WW.

  5. Can you believe I haven't read or seen any of the Harry Potter stuff! My teenage son has developmental disibilties and can't handle stuff like that. I loved that kind of story when I was young.

  6. I just realized that you changed your background...since yesterday? I like this one...the sparkles are very nice :)

    Can't say I've seen or read the Harry Potter series...too dark and scary for this little girl :)

    I'm a big Pooh, Max & Ruby, Little Bear kind of girl - hahaha - it's true though.

    Thank you...much...for allowing me to host WW's this summer.

    Love to you!

  7. So I guess the movie opens today. Will you be there?

  8. I think I saw both items you mentioned. But as you said in your post the other day...we go for different things, usually. Sorry we missed you.
    Off doing more dr stuff with MIL today. I just realized why they call us patience...PATIENCE! PATIENCE!
    I hate most medical offices but this dr. is the all-time worst...PATIENCE! PATIENCE!

    Have a good one today,

  9. Can't wait to see the movie!!! Have a great day!

  10. Happy WW to you! So whats cooking dear Dixie?

  11. Happy WW, Miss Dixie~~
    Have a great one!!

  12. Dixie,

    Just stopped by to say hello!

    I don't follow the Harry Potter stories but my son loved them!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!!

  13. Howdy Dixie
    Happy Wordless Wednesday to you.
    Hope your enjoying your summertime break.
    May each day bring special
    happy moments to you .
    The kind that put a big smile on your face .
    Take care ,try to stay cool :)

  14. Hi Dixie,
    Out of all the books I have read this is not one. I haven't even seen the movies. Have a great day!


  15. Hi Dixie, that sure is nice of Heather to host Wordless Wednesday and give you a big break!
    I have never seen or read any Harry Potter books or movies. Looks like you might be a fan?


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