Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Favorites... Revisiting my 100th Post Celebration...Sorta

Spencer at Bellmere Cottage way up in the Northwest, is celebrating her 100th post with a beautiful pink giveaway... gosh I hope I win!
In celebration of her 100th post, I'm reposting my 100th post...(originally posted 1/14/09) people DO celebrate in different ways don't they!

Then, after you visit Spencer, visit Chari and her Sunday Favorites to see what everybodys thinking about revisiting this beautiful, sunny, summer day!

So here ya go... Dixie revisiting her 100th post...
(sorry about the cigarette; the photo was too irresistible not to use!)
I'm not sure about all this celebration for the 100th post thing... so I just thought I'd go ahead and get it over with... and here's what I'm thinking about...
I like to write therefore I blog...

just in case someone, somewhere might be interested in listening to me...

and let's face it... it's pretty anonymous... both from the poster and the reader point of view...

I have no idea if what I write has any meaning to anyone else... (and I highly doubt that the world awaits my insights...) But sometimes when I write something, I make myself laugh a little, so I hope it has the same effect on you...
I've decided to skip the celebration of a 100th post. Instead I thought I'd just say "thank you" for stopping by my blog every once in a while; for reading, and then taking the time to leave a comment or two... YOU are Unique and Special... to me.
It takes courage on the part of the writer/poster... and sometimes on the part of the commenter, to put words out and hope that someone will receive them.
Blessings to all... Have a Blissful Day. Sending you each a little sunshine from down here in French Lique...


  1. Awww, so true. I blog to help me. I blog to write down my thoughts. And I hope I can help someone else, just a little with my thoughts.

  2. Since I have been blogging it has changed my life. I have met so many wonderful people.
    Blogging is addictive!

  3. I am so glad you reposted this because I don't remember reading it. Of course with my 'I forgot about stuff right after it happens' I could have read it and just forgot. So for me repetition is a good thing. I am anxious to hear how things went yesterday. Hope you have a restful day.

    Sunday Blessings, Candy

  4. I enjoy your blog and wish you many more happy postings!

    I blog to express myself and my creativity. It gives me a chance to use both my writer side and my photographer side. And I agree with Jill -- it can be addictive!

  5. I remember my first post very well. It is tough to get that one out of the way then you scramble to come up with others until it is second nature to grab your camera even if you are just walking to the mail box.
    You are unique.

  6. Oh My Dixie!
    How cute is that post. What better way to light her cigarette than with the candles right? Save a match. The picture is worth a million bucks. If you get to be a 100 you should be allowed to have a smoke if you want one, life is to short. That makes me smile this beautiful morning. Isn't Spencer just precious? Have a wonderful morning Ms. Dixie. Country Hugs, Sherry

  7. Oh, I thought that was a hoot. Whenever acquaintances ask me what I've been up to and I reply, "blogging," they look incredulously. Then they ask, "what is the point of blogging?" "Well, the tens of friends I have from blogging." They ask how they could be friends if I don't really know them? It is a little perplexing and trying to explain it, moreso.

  8. Funny--you blogged about blogging!

  9. Hello Ms. Dixie...

    What a great post to reshare with all of us for Sunday Favorites, my friend! I didn't realize that you had celebrated your 100th post in January of this it's new news to me! A little belated but I guess better late than never...Congratulations on your 100th blog post!!! Next month will be my one year anniversary to blogging! I never would have dreamed that I would be so involved...hehe! I sure have met some really wonderful people here though and it's been an awesome outlet to share my decor/crafting hobbies!!!

    Well my friend, again Congrats on having such a successful blog!!! And thank you for playing along with Sunday Favorites today!

    Have a super Sunday!
    PS...I already paid Ms. Spencer a visit! Love her sweet giveaway gift!!!

  10. I do enjoy reading your blog, Dixie. Thanks for reposting this.

  11. Miss Dixie,

    You make me laugh, what a great post and so much truth about blogging! Miss Bloomers/Sonia

  12. I've always loved visiting your blog. I don't get over as often as I would like...Blogland has grown by leaps and bounds since I first started.
    xo bj

  13. That last paragraph pretty well sums it all up! I'm glad you gave me the opportunity to read it again! It's so much better than the reruns on TV!!!

  14. I knew I woke up early for some reason this I could read this post of yours. So, thanks for the sunshine to start my day.

  15. Dixie! You're just the best! Thanks so much for putting my little giveaway such good "press"....! I'm sending you a big hug and wishing you good luck too!


    PS......the lady with the cigarette??? Priceless!

  16. I'm so glad you re-posted this post (is that confusing?)---well, I know what I mean. Dang it, now I'm really sad I quit smoking some 26 years ago on July the 13th at 7:00 in the evening (not that it bothered me to quit....I'm bothered me for a long time!) anyway, if I was still smoking you can bet your sweet something or other that I'd be lighting my cig on a swell candle set up like the one you featured--what a hoot.
    I LOVE your blog, Dixie. I'm so glad we met via cyberspace and I truly hope we can meet in person. I want to sit down with you and share a couple of glasses of that wine you love and just jibber jabber for awhile!!
    I'll stop.....L, Dana :)

  17. Hahaha! I definitely have to share some of these shots with friends! Thanks!

  18. Hey are you a professional journalist? This article is very well written, as compared to most other blogs i saw today….
    anyhow thanks for the good read!


To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

I hope that you'll leave a little comment (I love comments) so I know that you have visited... I'd like to visit you too!

I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

Welcome to French Lique, Texas...