Monday, July 27, 2009

Second Time Around... and no worse for the wear...

I frequently buy things while junking, that evoke some kind of memory from childhood... thus my love of pink and green depression glass.

So, when thrifting one day, I found a chipped pink dogwood teacup for 50-cents... I just couldn't leave it there... but what to do with it? Then I read this on Spencer's Bellamere Cottage Blog... Easy-Peasey Candlestick Tutorial.

I changed it up just a bit... I had an old Home Interiors candlestick but it had a brass base and brass top with a brass candle holder. I've never much liked brass, so I've never really used this candlestick. I found that it was all screwed together with a central post, so I took it apart. I replaced the bottom with an old vintage glass chandelier bobeche (turned upside down) and then painted the brass top drip tray, cottage white. I glued my chipped pink depression cup with epoxy to the drip tray... added a vintage prism and a pretty creamy satin bow... and voila'!

and just for you Keetha... with candle light...

So, second and maybe even third or forth time around... everything purchased on the cheap at thrift stores... and now I have a very pretty and feminine teacup candle holder... Thanks to Spencer for her easy-peasey directions and idea...

Everything old is new again down here in French Lique...

and now jump over to visit Diane for a Second Time Around to see more vintage treasures found...


  1. Ooh Dixie........that is AWESOME! I absolutely adore it.....I get such a huge thrill out of repurposing stuff that you'd normally pitch out! Great job sweet friend! You clever gal you!


  2. I LOVE it. I'd like to see it with a candle burning in it. I think it'd work well with either a votive OR a taper.

  3. Cuh-lever! BTW, one of my favorite words to say is "bobeche"!

  4. Hi Dixie,
    I love your creation!

    Thanks for linking to 2nd Time Around!
    :) Diane

  5. Miss Dixie- you are a makeover machine!

    Good job,


  6. What a chic holder ... great idea. TTFN ~Marydon

  7. How pretty, isn't this the neatest little candle holder or even little candle dishes.

  8. Well, aren't you the smartest cookie..I love this. It looks great. As you can tell from my home photos, I am not shabby chic but i do love seeing it in others homes...YOU DID GOOD, GIRL..

  9. Darling candle holder! Too darn cute! I love it! Bravo!


  10. Awwwwwwwww - - - it's so romantical.


    Thanks for posting this!!!

  11. Love it, that idea is great for a few booth beauties. See you tomorrow, Twice Blessed, 11 am. ;-)

  12. Very creative and quite easily accomplished! Happy 2nd Time Around.

  13. You did a great job! I would have never thought about doing something like that. I need to start thinking outside the box a little more! hehehe


  14. Very clever! You gave the little cup a loving new home AND transformed it into something wonderful. Nicely done!

  15. Looks good!
    I like it!
    Very resourceful!

  16. Awesome transformation...would show up on my search of "vintage, shabby, cottage". Love it:-)

  17. What a great idea! I love pink depression glass and this is CUTE!I also like the glass bobeche...that really adds the extra sparkle!


  18. Now that's just too clever for words!!! I love creations such as that--and I love it that you're putting that sweet cup to use again!! L, Dana

  19. Sooo cute & Shabby Chic! I love it.

  20. That looks so pretty! Is there anything left on those junk stores down there, or have you bought all of the best treasures? laurie


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