Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sunday Favorites... Organizing the China Cabinet

This post was originally published on 01/16/09. I'd been having significant anxiety over my cluttered china cabinet... I'd searched the internet for ideas to orgainze china... but I found nothing that suited me... until one day...
Please visit Chari at Happy to Design on Sunday Morning for more Sunday Favorites...
and now... the post...
Let me preface this post by saying... I can't tell you how many times I've searched the internet for help with organizing my china cabinet. I was looking for something practical, with pictures (I'm a visual person); because I wanted it to be organized, but also pretty. Until now, I had absolutely zero success... and then one day...
Browsing though magazines while getting my monthly hair highlights at "Bernie's Mane Event" (okay... think Steel Magnolias and Trudy here)... I came across the February 2008 issue of Better Homes and Gardens. Inside I found a piece on organizing your China Cabinet.
"Bernie (short for Bernadette), can I borrow this magazine...?"... Bernie replied, "Take it... and don't bring it back." (that's Bernie!)... and so I did.

sorry the photos of the magazine aren't so good, but I think you'll get the idea...

Finally, last weekend, while putting up Christmas
I took time to follow the instructions and organize my china cabinet. Wow! Looks great! I couldn't believe how much stuff I was able to get in there... and when I get my office organized and redecorated this weekend... I'll move my Lladro into my new curio in my office, and my china cabinet will be perfect!
Why can I never remember to do the before photos????!!! Ah, well!

Dreaming about being decluttered and organized in my china cabinet and home office, down here in French Lique!


  1. Your china cabinet looks wonderful--organized and beautiful.

  2. I will open a bottle of wine and you can hop over her to Lutz and get mine organized. I have tried 3 different designs in the last week! And still am not satisfied.
    Looks good...

  3. Make that 2 bottles of wine for you ... I finally gave up! Chuckle! TTFN ~ Marydon

  4. You are an organizing master. I just looked over at my china cabinet there is definitely work to do.

    Thank goodness, right?


  5. Very nice, Dixie, very organized....Christine

  6. Dixie I'll send you a ticket and you can come to my house and do mine ha ha!! looks great my friend...Hopw you have a wonderful weekend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  7. Great job Dixie. I pulled that same article for my save file.
    Haven't really done it yet though...

  8. looks great!!! Good Job! But..did I read.."putting up Christmas"? Are you putting it up from last year or putting it up for this year? I gotta know!!!

    Warm Hugs,
    Linda from Texas

    p.s. I know what you mean about the china cabinet...mine is a daily process!

  9. no deal Linda... this is a Sunday Favorites repost from January...

    I mean... what would be the purpose of putting Christmas away if it were still out in July... heck I'd just leave it and use it again in December...!

  10. Thank goodness my daughter wants my stuff! She developed a friendship with a woman that shares she same decorating style as dear ole mom,so she now thinks mom has pizzazzzzzzzz! And her new home reflects my teachings. I have to remind her that she needs to add her own dreams to it also. She is a bit scared right

  11. Sometimes it is the simple hints that make all the difference. Hair day sounds like fun.

  12. The china cabinet turned out gorgeous. I think they are so hard to do, but yours looks great. I think we all need that magazine. Love it. Hugs, Marty

  13. I've been organizing myself this week. It feels so good once it is done!


  14. OK,Ok, back up lady, is that a Hall's Tea pot I spy on the bottom shelf...I have the 3 stack bowls to match it and also a casserole with lid...drooling here...sighing loudly...
    Oh wait back to your post. Love the way your China Cabinet looks, I need to try that with mine.

  15. You've got some neat stuff! I love those cups with the circles around the bottom. Never saw a design like that before.

  16. Your china cabinet looks great. It looks as though you have some lovely pieces.


  17. Howdy Dixie Honey
    Oh wow that is one fabulous China cabinet.
    I need to go organize mine after seeing how wonderful yours looks.
    You have some beautiful treasures.
    And Steele Magnoilas be still my heart :)One of my favorite movies.
    I actually came by to let you know I have an award for you if you get a chance swing by.
    I know your taking a break so just whenever you get a little extra time.
    I just wanted to let you know how much your blog has meant to me.
    Blessings to you sweetie .
    Happy Trails

  18. You have been busy, your china cabinet looks great!
    I never knew they actually made a article on how to organize your china cabinet!

  19. Mornin' Ms. Dixie...

    I'm so glad that you joined in with Sunday Favorites again this week, my friend! You're getting to be an ol' regular! Hehe!!! I sure do appreciate your participation and I LOVED this post that you chose to republish!!! It's so very timely for me since I brought my Grandma's hutch home with me from our Texas vacation last week! It's a small hutch but I've been contemplating how to add dishes to it! Just like you said, I want something practical but want it to look pretty too!!! I just love how you did your hutch!!! It looks fabulous and you really were able to get so many of your beautiful dishes in it and they all look so pretty how you organized it!!!

    This was just the inspiration that I needed, my friend!!! Thank you so much for sharing this post with us!!! You did a fabulous job with your hutch...hopefully mine will come out looking so beautiful!!!

    Have a marvelous Monday, my friend!

  20. Ooops...just lil' ol' me again!

    Just wanted to say that I also really enjoyed looking at all of your lovely china and glassware! You have some really beautiful pieces!!! I enjoyed enlarging your photo and looking through all of your gorgeous was just like being there!!! Hehe!!!


  21. I LOVE they way they showed of stacking the cups and saucers!!! I would NEVER have thought of that.

  22. Looks fabulous! I would have never thought of stacking the cups & saucers either. I might have to give that a try sometime. If I don't forget by the time I redo my hutch again.


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