Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pink Saturday... Junkin' Hats... in Geronimo!

Thank you to Miss Beverly at How Sweet the Sound, who sponsors Pink Saturday every week. Please visit her blog and link to over 100 other participants who love pink and post it every Pink Saturday.

A little something pink from Junkin with Candy in Geronimo... Candy decided against buying this one... just not her color of pink...
Happy Pink Saturday from down here in French Lique...


  1. Funny picture. I agree. That doesn't do much with Candy's beautiful hair.

  2. Turn it upside down and put a plant in it! Happy PS.

  3. Hi Dixie...

    My friend, I hope that you'll forgive me for being so late to get over to your place...I just can't seem to get caught up since I've been home from our Texas vacation! One thing I've learned...things move pretty fast here in Blogland! Hehe!

    We sure did enjoy Texas...although the heat about killed me! Hehe! It left me wondering how I did it for 30 yrs. Thanks so much for coming by and taking a peek at all my family photos! You mentioned that you loved going to the Whataburger in Corpus and watching the sailboats...I've been to that one a few times myself! I love the T-heads and looking at all of the pretty boats!

    I also wanted to thank you for joining in with Sunday Favorites while I was gone. I read both of your posts. I'm so sorry that you lost your Dad at such a young age...that must have been very difficult! Oh yes...and thank you for the "heads-up" on the book, "The Road" does sound like an interesting read! I'll have to see if our library carries it!

    Well Darlin'...hope to see you for Sunday Favorites tomorrow! And I hope that you're having a wonderful weekend in French Lique, Texas!!!


  4. Ho fun to be able to go junkin with Candy....Christine

  5. LOVE the hat!! I could really love wearing that!

  6. Hi, Dixie friend...I've been away for a week with grands. I got just a tiny bit of blogging in but it was after the fight to get to the computer!! lol...I am back home now and things MIGHT settle down for a little while. week is a little more Grandmothering for a few days...5, I think.
    I love this pink hat...even if Candy didn't...

  7. Cute picture. Looks like you were having fun. Hugs, Marty

  8. What fun you two were obviously having, Dixie. Love the pics. TTFN ~Marydon

  9. Now, that's a cute hat! I've always wanted to wear one, but I'm a short gal....I look like a mushroom. Mmmm...not pretty! :-)

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  10. Cute hat, looked good on her...I bet y'all had a blast, Candy looks like she is so full of energy.
    Have a blessed week-end

  11. What a wonderful Pink Saturday blog post! Thanks so much for adding a bright spot to my morning!

    Hoping that your weekend is filled with sunshine and that your are surrounded by those you l♥ve.

  12. just gorgeous, happy pink saturday!!!!

  13. Happy Pink Saturday Dixie,
    The hat is just too cute
    I have a reward for you on my blog. It is so you.
    Have a fun week end
    Angel hugs

  14. Oh Dixie
    I love all your junkin shots and shops. lol
    Looks like your having way too much fun.
    Happy PS and Happy Summer
    Love Claudie

  15. That is one cute hat! I love it! Happy Pink Saturday!

  16. I would have gotten that hat! Happy Pink Saturday!

  17. Funny picture and fun hat. That would catch people's attention!

    Happy Pink Saturday to you!
    Hope your week will be sweet and sunny.
    Greetings from Spain

  18. Maybe you should have worn it! Happy PS!

  19. Love the hat! Happy PINK Saturday, Esther

  20. Hi Dixie! I think my Sis, Debbie at There's An Angel On My Frontporch and myself would have been fighting over this hat. As you can see I love pink and I love hats, ofcourse so does Debbie. She has been telling me to stop by and say Hi, and sign up to follow your blog. I finally got over here. Please stop by and say hi. I would love to have you sit for spell, and follow my blog as well. Country Hugs Dixie, Sherry

  21. Happy Pink Saturday, Dixie! Cute fun photo. The shape of the hat reminds me of a pink feminine version of A Cat In the Hat...I am Candy, Candy I Am, Do you like pink hats and glam? lol

    Have a lovely weekend!


  22. I like the hat. reminds me of a lopsided cake :-)

    Happy pInk Weekend!


To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

I hope that you'll leave a little comment (I love comments) so I know that you have visited... I'd like to visit you too!

I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

Welcome to French Lique, Texas...