Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Return of Wordless Wednesdays... Just for YOU!

One of my favorite blogs to visit on a regular basis is called "Simply Heather"... Heather is a wonderful photographer and story teller... and I enjoy reading about the little pieces of life that Heather shares each week.

Today, Heather emailed me and told me that she would like to Summer host Wordless Wednesday from her photo blog, Simply Joyful Photos... Of course I said "yes! yes! yes!" I was thrilled, absolutely thrilled!

I invite you to visit Heather, as she begins her hosting duties on Wordless Wednesday... now remember... Keep It Wordless... the Grinch will be watching...

Thank you sweet Heather... from the bottom of my little old Texas heart, down here in French Lique!


  1. Dropping by to say hello! Hope you are well. I had the best news today. Had a biopsy done this week and it came back negative. I'm so glad. Hugs

  2. Thank you, Sweet Dixie. This was a very nice post forward :) and glad to see it was not a goofy face of mine here (hahaha).

    I am so excited and even though you'll have time off from hosting, I hope to see a few wordless stories from you on some of the Wednesday's throughout summer.

    May blessings, peace, joy, contentment and love wash over you.

    ...way up here in this little old State of Vermont, in the NE of our Beautiful Country :)

  3. Howdy Dixie
    Just wanted to ride over and wish you lots of happiness,love,joy and peace of heart today.
    Try to stay cool !
    Congrats to you on your Worldles Wednesday co-host :)
    What a great blessing.
    Have a wonderful day.

  4. Yay Dixie for creating Wordless Wednesday!

    Yay Simply Heather for hosting during the summer!!
    Such fun:)

    Made my day:)

    Linda C

  5. HI!!!!
    I live in Sunny warm Arizona, but I truly love Indiana!! Where so many of my wonderful relatives live!!! We often go to French Lick, Indiana, to go to the casino boat and the glorious French Lick Dome, you can goggle that to see the wonder of it!!! Also French Lick, In is home to the famous Basketball player Larry Bird!!! So when I saw your blog title, I just had to jump over and take a peek!!!!
    Love your blog, very cool!!!!
    have a blessed day,


To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

I hope that you'll leave a little comment (I love comments) so I know that you have visited... I'd like to visit you too!

I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

Welcome to French Lique, Texas...