Saturday, July 18, 2009

No Romeo...

I was reading Laura's post about missing her grandsons after they left this week and my heart sank... My little Romeo was suppose to come visit the last week of June, but his Grandpa had the bathroom all torn up with a repair and so we had to cancel Romeo's trip. He was sad and so were we. Laura's post reminded me of his last visit.

Romeo... his mom has his face all over "Facebook" so I figured it would be okay to show his sweet little face here... ;)

He likes to rearrange the little trinkets on the sofa table. He especially likes to rearrange a group of small ceramic stars... there are about a dozen of the stars, just laying on the table in a pile... and Romeo plays with them every day when he's here... making patterns, stacking... "look now Grandma!"... When he goes back home to Dallas, whatever pattern of the stars he has left... I leave... I dust around them for weeks without moving them. Sometimes I walk by and touch them, knowing his little hands touched them last.

Grandkids... they have our hearts... missing my little Romeo down here in French Lique...

ps... if it had just been Little Romeo visiting, Grandpa would have been fine. It was Romeo's entourage that was causing Grandpa angst... we have rescheduled Romeo's visit for later in the summer and will see him soon...


  1. He is a cutie! What a sweet story of memories. Get that bathroom fixed and have him down. On second thought, have him down now! shower outside, most other things could be done out in the woods as well (kinda like camping) and I'm sure he would be a good gopher for tools. Go-pher the wretch, go-pher the screw driver, go-pher Grandma!!!

    I can't wait to see your new venture.

  2. Oh Dixie...I have tears in my eyes!!! What a sweet post!!! You can feel the love!!! I hope you get to see him soon!!! He looks like an angel!!!


  3. What a cute little face, and what a loving grandma you are*! Your post gives me that warm fuzzy feeling, and that's a good thing*!
    (((hugs))) _Ashley*

  4. Hey Dixie!

    You need to get that handsome little Romeo to your house ASAP!!!! Looks like Grandma needs her rearranger of her stars to come and fix them! lol

    Have a Great Weekend!!!

  5. They steal our hearts forever, don't they! DH said he hopes they never grow up! TTFN ~ Marydon

  6. Oh visits with the grandchildren are just the most precious times ever. He is just adoreable. I know you were so disappointed to miss the time with him. I also wanted to let you know that the next "Cloche Party" is scheduled for Sept. 11th for the Fall season. Grab the button on my sidebar to remind you and to let all your friends know. See you there. Hugs, Marty

  7. You are so right!
    Mine are with us now.
    We are having so much fun!
    See my blog.

  8. Awww, he has such a sweet smile. I know how those grandkids can easily me missed....Christine

  9. Howdy Dixie
    Oh girl you made me cry ,
    so here goes that Texas mouth of mine ,forget the plumbing seize the moment and invite him anyway.
    Camp out ,get creative think outside the bathroom box .Play pioneers or explorers in a new land .
    It will all work out .
    Just don't let the time get away from you and that precious child.
    He is so cute!!!
    What a little blessing you have.
    Remember your on a blogging break so enjoy playing .
    Playing is a good thing :)
    Blessings to you sweetie pie ,hope my 2 cents worth was not too insulting .
    You do whatever works for you ,but don't miss out over plumbing .
    Happy Trails

  10. Your little Romeo is precious. You made me want to cry because he is missing his visit with you. I don't have grandkids yet, but my youngest is leaving for college in 4 weeks and I am trying to hold myself together. We mother's and grandmother's just put our hearts right out there. Children fill our homes (and hearts) with love and happiness. It's not quite the same after they're gone.

    I hope Romeo gets a chance to visit you soon!


  11. What a sweet post Dixie. I love the story about the stars on the table. He is a little doll, glad that you will be getting to see him soon. Try and stay cool down there in French Lique! Kathy

  12. He is so handsome. They are wonderful, aren't they?

    his was a great post- as usual Miss Dixie.


  13. Aw, I hope you get to see him before the summer's over.

  14. Dixie, he is such a cute guy! I am so blessed to have my grands all living close by. I'm so sorry you haven't been able to see him in awhile. laurie

  15. Hi Dixie, what a sweet grandson.
    I have two grandkids visiting me this weekend from Utah. Right now they are asleep and I am getting caught up on some blogs before retiring to bed. I don't get to see mine often either because they all live in other states. They are so much fun and they do have our hearts and do we love to spoil them when they come to our house to visit!
    Hope you see him soon.
    Love, Ann

  16. Hi Mom! I loved reading all the comments. Makes me sad that we were not able to visit, but we will see ya soon. Love you.

  17. That smile is Priceless!!!
    sorry you had to delay the visit

    Have a great Day!

  18. Such a sweet post and tribut to a cute grandson.
    My summer visits with my grandparents in Floresville were so special and wonderful memories are still replayed.
    Will Romeo visit later this summer? Texas school's start sooo much later than the Ga. schools.

  19. You are so sweet, Dixie. I would love to go junking with you too. Romeo is adorable. :-)

  20. It's in the stars Dixie...he has to get down for a!
    He is absolutely handsome. Makes my heart ache with yours. I'm fortunate the kids live fairly close. I don't get to see Graycie as much as I would like, but I'm always over the moon when I do!

  21. Your grandson reminds me of mine! I just love my little guy! That thing you do with the stars sounds like something I would do too! They truly have our hearts!! I love his name too! Hugs!

  22. Yep! I know EXACTLY what you're saying.....when my little guy was reallllly little he'd leave nose and finger prints all over the glass doors....I left them there forever...they always made me smile...Aren't they just the most precious little things? Your little guy is just too dang cute!



To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

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