Monday, March 9, 2009

Grosgrain: Sunday Laundry Shirt Dress GIVEAWAY!!!!

If you've never visited Kathleen's blog, now would be a good time to do so. This is the cutest little silk dress that she has made for a blog giveaway... Both the dress and Kathleen are adorable... so visit... and enter if you like...
Okay... and I know... I'm not being very good tonight... but, well... I just had to let you see this one! ;)


  1. Oh my I remember wearing dresses made like that in the 60's. I had a beautiful blue one. You will never know the memories that came flooding back when I saw it.
    It brought a tear to my eye. Such sweet days and memories. Thanks

  2. That dress is soooooo pretty.. but I would never fit into it :(

  3. Hi, Dixie...
    What a precious dress...I used to wear clothes like this...a long time ago. I don't wear dresses as often as I should...don't really know why...
    Happy day, bj

  4. Pretty! Thanks for sharing this, I'm off to visit!

  5. ... wish I could wear a dress like this one once again. Oh, to erase 40 years from my body. BUT, not my life. Cowgirl UP!

  6. Ms Dixie,Honey child,I hate to have to be the barrer of bad news ,gal.But...I am goin to be tha proud ownar of this dres.Ya hear me now,child?love ya...Ann

  7. Reminds me of the sixties. A good, nostalgic bit of recall set spinning through my head at the sight of that dress.

  8. Very nice of you to give away that dress, very pretty. I know one thing I would not fit in it. Have a nice week and weekend.


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