Saturday, January 10, 2009

Speaking of Rabbits, Reading, and Renewals...

Speaking of Rabbits, here's one of those reasons that I absolutely ADORE my Ricky... This is a picture of our winter garden... well what's left of it now anyway... and what happened? Rabbits happened. Ricky came in last night and told me that he thought something was eating the broccoli plants, (we've already harvested the broccoli this season).
"Really"...I replied... "something like what?" (knowing full well what the what was)...
"Something like rabbits I think", he said.
"Well, now that they've found the garden, they'll be no keeping them out of it", I warned.
To which my sweet Ricky replied... "There's nothing else to eat out there... they have to eat something."
You gotta love a man that will let the rabbits eat his winter garden so they don't starve to death.

This is the garden, mid-fall, before the rabbits... (and the frost)

and this is the garden after the rabbits...

speaking of reading, I received this little postcard from Cottage Living, one of my favorite monthly decorating magazines... which apparently will no longer be published. (guess there weren't enough folks that felt like it was their favorite...) What's worse, they've replaced my favorite cottage read with a subscription to This Old House? Gonna have to investigate this one a little further before making a final commitment!

and speaking of renewals... My grandson, the Romeo, whose parent's are renewing their vows next month, is suppose to walk down the isle to his parents at the alter and deliver their new wedding rings. Now the Romeo is a little bit on the shy side, so he decided to ask his favorite girl cousin, the Panda, to walk with him. The Panda is a Pink girlie-girl, so of course she accepted! Today, Mommy and Aunt Jen took the Panda to buy a new dress for the special occasion. Based upon that big toothless grin on the Panda's face... I think she's found the dress she loves... (it looks white, but I've been told is a pretty pink instead) and it looks so very nice with those purple toed socks!

Nice going Romeo! (Panda loves the Pink dress!)

Cousins... The Panda and The Romeo...

Just pondering the days events,

the Rabbits, Reading and Renewals... all are special to me, down here in

French Lique...



  1. Oh you know how I love bunnies, but I sure hate they hate the rest of your garden. Now about Miss Panda... she's cute as a bug's ear.. so sweet that Romeo asked her to join him with the walk.. that is priceless.hugs ~lynne~
    the dress is adorable.. :-)

  2. Panda LOVED the dress!! Romeo is sooooo excited about walking with Panda...good thing he has his adorable cousin.

  3. Awwww, this is a sweet post about the good things in life. What a nice DH you have!

  4. Oh how cute! The Panda and the Romeo will add teh perfect touch to the Renewal!...Debbie

  5. wonderful to care for the creatures of the earth..we do that here on the farm all the time :)

    Cute little young'uns!

  6. Happy Belated Pink Saturday!

    Lovely pink post!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  7. Hi Dixie...I have tagged you for Picture Tag. No pressure. I hope it will be fun if you decide to try it!...Debbie

  8. What a nice guy, your Ricky :) Hope he doesn't regret it in the Spring -- but maybe the rabbits will be too fat by then to get back through the fence! Hey - regarding your cancelled magazine. Take a look at Country Home. One of my favorites!

  9. Aren't those children just adorable!!


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