Monday, May 19, 2008

"Taco Bell - Why Pay More?"

Today, at the Taco Bell, the young man at the drive thru informed me that my debit card was declined! Somewhat bewildered, I paid cash. I do only use this account for expenses, and I do sometimes run low... but I was sure I had money in the account. After I got home and checked my on line banking - here's what I found. The kid wiped me out! Jeeeezzzzzz! They've promised to credit the transaction... Welcome to French Lique.
Check Card Authorizations Pending
Date: 05/19/2008
Description: TACO BELL #283
Amount: $61.51

1 comment:

  1. Bummer! I know the feeling. Some stranger in Ft. Worth thought that I wouldn't mind if they borrowed my identity for a student loan.


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