I was listening to someone (a doctor) talk about Julia Louis-Dreyfus' breast cancer diagnosis. He (of course it was a "he") said that depending on the type of breast cancer she had, it could be an opportunity to show women that the most drastic treatment (double mastectomy) doesn't have to be the always treatment. He also said that breast surgery has come a long, long way in the past few years, and in some cases, after healing, you might be unable to tell which breast had the cancer. While I think some might be doubtful, the message was a good one. A message that, today, I know is a truthful one.
When I was diagnosed, and before meeting with my oncologist, I had no idea what type of breast cancer I had. I wasn't actually aware there were different types of breast cancer. There are. During the long-long wait to see the oncologist (it seemed long, long to me!), my Ricky and I, had the opportunity to have some serious talks on what to do "if". I knew my cancer tumor was small, so my best case scenario (in my less than knowledgeable mind) was a lumpectomy, aka partial mastectomy. My worse case scenario was, of course, the dreaded double mastectomy. I've often said of the former, that I would definately go for reconstruction. I mean... I kinda like my breasts.
I was very lucky, if one diagnosed with breast cancer can be called "lucky". I got the best case scenario, along with getting a wonderful oncologist, who directed me to an equally wonderful surgeon. Both of them women, and both considered outstanding in their chosen medical field, breast cancer treatment. My surgeon, during my pre-surgery appointment, asked me: "do you like the way your breasts look now?" Uh, yes. (Though I was a bit bewildered by her question.) Then she promised to do her best to make me like them post surgery. (What a great concept!)
Today, 3-months post surgery and 1-month post radiation therapy, I can say she did her job well. It's not always possible to "save this breast", but sometimes, if you're lucky....
Feeling pretty lucky, Down Here in French Lique.
Create, Bake, Grow & Gather Party #664
13 hours ago