Thursday, September 19, 2013

"F" is for...

Well Duh!  "F" is for French Lique of course!  It's been a while since I've explained just exactly where and what French Lique, Texas is...

Several years ago I was reading a book by Laura Lippman.  The protagonist in the book was traveling through French Lick, Indiana... I liked the name French Lick, and I thought if I ever got a chance to name my own little town in Texas,  I'd name it French Lique...  Well, I figured I'd never be naming my own little Texas town, so I decided to name my own little blog, and French Lique, Texas was born... A figment of my (thank you Laura Lippman) imagination...

Now, I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear that many folks have emailed me or posted a comment on this blog, asking just where the heck IS French Lique?  They've Googled it and mapped it on the Internet, but just can't seem to find it anywhere... Worry not dear readers.  French Lique, Texas is alive and well, residing right here in my mind... And on these pages of posts...

So now you know that all is well, Down Here In French Lique...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"E" is for...

Okay.. At first you may think this a bit odd... But let me explain...

"E" is for Eulogies..

I know... Weird huh?  I had a hard time coming up with what "E" is for... I mean there are so many to choose from... E book, eggplant, elope...  But Eulogies?!...

Sitting in church, at Ricky's uncle's funeral... I started thinking about the eulogy of Uncle Clements... How does the family come up with the words that they use to sum up their loved ones life... In his case... Uncle Clements was 82.  That's a lot of life to sum up...

So today... Let me suggest that you put together a list, or a few paragraphs of the things that you'd like for you loved ones to share in your Eulogy... I know it sounds weird.. But think about it...  You might see the wisdom of these words...

Loved life and her family
Graduated from Old Miss
Loving wife, mother and grandmother
Liked her grands better than her children
Spoiled her poodles
Loved to shop for junk
Loved to decorate
And then redecorate
Never met a bottle of wine she didn't enjoy
Was a language snob
Loved French and English
Always wanted to go back to Paris
Loved Italy
And the Vatican
Semi-devout Catholic

Blessings... from Down Here in French Lique...

Sunday, September 8, 2013

"D" is for...

"D" is for Dexter... yes... I love Dexter, and this is his final season... so I'm making my "D" a post for
my Devotion to Dexter...
I am not alone...
According to James Hibberd of Entertainment Weekly...
"Dexter is continuing its ratings winning steak right to the end.
For the eighth season in a row, Showtime’s serial killer thriller broke viewership records for its season premiere — and that’s despite airing in the summer for the first time. Dexter‘s final season debuted to 2.5 million viewers, edging out last year’s premiere by 4 percent."
That's a lot of Devotion to Dexter!
Alas, my love affair with Dexter Morgan comes to an end very soon.  Good thing I also own each season on DVD... so I'll be able to go back any time I want and visit my favorite... (can a serial killer really be a "favorite"...?)...  
okay... I can revisit the blood & gore any time I like...
I will miss you Dexter.  Thanks for making me wonder about my own sanity on a regular basis... I mean really... who hopes and prays that a serial killer won't get caught?  Devoted to Dexter...
Down Here in French Lique...

Saturday, September 7, 2013

"C" is for...

"C" could be for Candy... as in Rock Candy Blog... one of my best friends and one of the most creative souls I've ever had the pleasure of knowing... or
"C" could be for Curious, as in Curious Boys; two of my absolute favorite Junkers on the planet!
"C" could be for Cinnamon, as in Cinnamon Rolls... the aroma of which is calling me back to the kitchen right now...
But today... "C" is for Corn Crib... as in the old Corn Crib at the family farmhouse we just purchased and are renovating... The Corn Crib needs to go, be torn down and moved away... I stepped in just before Ricky took the backhoe to it and torn it down... because I thought some of my junkin' friends might like to buy and own their own Corn Crib... and tear it down piece by piece for the barn wood... so, here ya go junkers... any takers?

"C" is for... Country... like Down Here in French Lique...