Saturday, March 2, 2013

Pink Saturday - Magnolia Pearl

Texas' own Magnolia Pearl is selling her beautiful ranch in Bandera, Texas. (Anne Lorys) Fiona and Twig has beautiful photos and all the info... if your heart desire is to live "Deep in the Heart of Texas"...

and Happy Pink Saturday!
I'm linking up to Beverly's "How Sweet the Sound" blog party.


  1. Happy Pink Saturday, Dixie. I'm so glad you are sharing pink with us today. I have missed you.

    Gorgeous room. I will visit to see even more. I have never been to Texas.

  2. Oh what a beautiful room!
    Happy Pink Saturday,

  3. Such a romantic room - the details are just lovely!

  4. Oh how I'd love to pink up my house. My husband stands in the way.

  5. Oh, my goodness, Dixie, how nice to have found you! When I was expecting my 4th baby we decided to name the baby Dixie if she was a girl. Instead we had a 3rd boy and he became Daniel. When his soccer team in high school found out what he could have been named, he was stuck with "Dixie Dan" from then on!

    I am finding out that there are many bloggers who have come to the same conclusion as we have, to just blog when it feels right. I have had a good time reading some of your old posts here. I made a note of the paint colors in your kitchen as I've been looking for a green that looks like your Feldspar Green. We just bought a green from Benjamin Moore that I hope is going to be what we want for my bathroom and dressing room but I'm keeping my note in case it isn't what I want. I'm looking for that old Depression era green. And when we built our kitchen 8 years ago we used green glass knobs on the lower cabinets except around the stove where we used red ones. Ours aren't those beautiful bridge ones you have though. They're lovely.

    So nice to meet you, Dixie,

  6. Found your blog via Beverly's Pink Saturday. It was lovely to visit!

  7. Thank you for sharing my post!!!



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