Saturday, March 30, 2013

My Favorite Place Down Here in French Lique...

This is my favorite place down here in French Lique... My very own front porch... It looks out on fields of coastal hay and cattle grazing... Birds chirp and "hummmm" all around us... it is peaceful and relaxing...
Earlier this year I posted about my vintage rusty "Bouncing Bettie's" that I picked up from the Curious Boys in Seguin, Texas... I ordered cushions made to their specific dimensions and 5-inches thick... I wanted cushions that I could use for years to come made of outdoor Sunbrella fabric, and I picked blue to match the new blue ceiling on the front porch...
The "Bettie's" are the two chairs sitting side by side in the middle... Depending on the time of day we get different levels of shade on the southern exposure facing porch.. but the "Bettie's" are always in the shade... by design... !
I ordered yellow pillow covers for the chairs in 3 different fabrics and stuffed them with Pottery Barn feather pillow inserts... they're soooooo comfortable!  Now everyone wants to sit in the "Bettie's" and rock..  bounce the afternoon away...
I also got a 3-inch thick cushion for my old wooden glider... I painted it cottage white several years ago... and it's just about perfect chippy white these days!  The pillows on the end were from Marshall's... Storehouse pillows with feather inserts... $14.99 each... what a deal!
and this old lawn chair that I purchased about 4-years ago from Beverly at Glory B's Cottage in Geronimo, Texas... it got it's own custom cushion too!
My favorite flowers... Blue Hydrangea... here in the silk version... From Dollar Tree... for yep... $1.  The yellow tulips came from a closeout at Hobby Lobby last year and the yellow garland came from a booth that Beverly has in Seguin, in the same building as the Curious Boys booths.
The iron piece also came from the Curious Boys (sensing a theme here?).  They are a pair, and I think they were fireplace irons... anyway, I haven't decided what to do with them yet, I just liked them and the price was right, so I brought them home...
My little shy angel, also from Glory B's, is wrapped with more garland and the purple ribbon... it says "Dad"... it was on the funeral flowers that we sent to Ricky's Dad's funeral earlier this month.  When Ricky and I cleaned up the cemetery flowers last weekend, I kept the ribbon.  I thought it looked perfect wrapped around the angels arms, and is a sweet reminder of Dad, every time we see it...
More Dollar Tree silk flowers... you just can't beat the price!  Perfect here in my rusty red flower bucket... (the large tree limb is my walking stick when I go out in the fields chasing kept close at hand by the doorway!).
I love the shadows from the porch rail in this photo. 
The perfect time of day...
The wall angels, another item I don't know what I'll do with yet, but they were calling my name... I think those Curious Boys told them what my name was... The basket and purple bow, also from the "clean-up"... were perfect with my $1 silk flowers...
If you have any ideas for me using the angels or the fireplace irons, feel free to share them here or send me an email... I have a couple of ideas of my own, but there is so much creativity out there in Blogland... I know someone will share something I'd never have thought of!

So... that's it... my Curious Boys/Glory B front porch!  The other end of the porch has a table and chairs for outdoor eating... I'll have to share that side later.. .once I have it all ready for spring...  
Easter Blessings...
from down here in French Lique...
and now the links:
Yellow Pillow Covers from Say It With Pillows
Custom Seat Cushions from Cushion Source
Vintage Furniture and Garden Art from
This week I'll be linking up with:

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Pink Saturday - Magnolia Pearl

Texas' own Magnolia Pearl is selling her beautiful ranch in Bandera, Texas. (Anne Lorys) Fiona and Twig has beautiful photos and all the info... if your heart desire is to live "Deep in the Heart of Texas"...

and Happy Pink Saturday!
I'm linking up to Beverly's "How Sweet the Sound" blog party.