Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Gift of a Cloche...

When I go Junktiqueing... I take a list. Last year, on my trip with Candy to Roundtop/Zapp Hall/Warrenton... I had "wire cloche" at the top of my list... I found one, which was manufactured.. not exactly what I was looking for and at $40... well... it was definitely NOT what I was looking for!

Seeing my disappointment.. dear sweet friend Candy said... "Shoot, I've got chicken wire... I'll just make ya one!"  She didn't know she'd spend hours on the internet looking at the "how to" instructions and videos on YouTube... and the the battle with the wire that would ensue, while she tried to mend and mold it into place...

But Candy is nothing if not determined.. and so on my recent visit to her guest house, the Red Bird Inn... she presented me with her very first original chicken wire cloche...

When we went thrifting in Austin the following day... I found the perfect vintage glass knob  at Uncommon Objects, to add to the top... and then had Ricky dig around in his shop for two old washers.. he found the perfect pair... slightly rusty with peeling paint...
Now that I have it... I've temporarily housed a pair of birdie S&P shakers sitting atop a vintage Frankoma plate in Prarire Green...
They say it takes a village to raise a child... 
Apparently it takes a village to get Dixie her much sought after and now...
Chicken Wire Cloche...
a gift of friendship... from a very special friend...
sending a joyous thank you to my dear friend Candy...
from down here in French Lique...


  1. Wow, Dixie! Candy did a fabulous job! I love it! It is indeed a special gift! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  2. Such a touching and beautiful gift!

  3. now that is a sweet friend to cool...

  4. The cloche looks wonderful. Candy is a special friend. Definitely a keeper.

  5. love the cloche, love the story.

    barbara jean

  6. Well now that was a sweet story and Ricky did find the most perfect washers. Glad to do it for ya girlfriend.
    Hugs & Blessings ;-)

  7. So fun! I have never seen a cloche like this before..., only chicken wire on cabinets and as memo board.

  8. Candy did a good job; what a creative friend she is! In Blogland, we can't have too many cloches.

  9. awwwww, Dixie, I am lovin' your wire cloche. I thought about asking Mr. Sweet to make one; he can make anything.
    Your friend surely did a great job on this one.
    Loved hearing from you...come on back over soon. :))
    xo bj


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