Monday, October 10, 2011

Blue Monday Vintage Party Dress....

In 1968, my first beau escorted me to a dress up party... This is the dress I wore... not this specific dress... but the same dress, long ago discarded to Goodwill or something... this is the same dress... same pretty aqua blue color... same ties around the neck...
...same cinched waist and flirty full skirt...
I felt pretty in this dress... I wish I still had it...
strolling down Memory Lane with Sally at Blue Monday...
down here in French Lique...


  1. That is certainly a 'feel pretty' dress. I am a Texan and not familiar with French Lique, is it for real? or only real in Blogland...Going to the map right now...Did you get any of that wonderful rain? ))smiles))

  2. It looks a bit like Marilyn Monroe's white dress. I love the aqua color.

    Happy Blue Monday to you, Dixie!

  3. Are you sure it's not the same dress?
    Killer dress...I bet your date was proud as a peacock with you on his arm.

  4. Oh wow this is very pretty I so love it.

    Fall Colors

  5. You certainly had good taste in your dress. Great memories.

  6. Lovely blue dress!

    Please come and see my Birthday Blues, have a great week!

  7. What a gorgeous dress.....I'm sure you looked like a million dollars in it!! The special dress I recall was my homecoming formal (I was the queen my sr. year!! ). Anyway, it was strapless and ruffled all over. I loved it, too. Later, my mom sold it at a garage sale. Our neighbor bought it....and made bathroom curtains out of it. It still makes me sad to think that it ended up in her john. :(

    L, dana

  8. re: your recent comment.....yes, she was a recycler...we all were. NOTHING was ever thrown out, but instead reused in some way!! I think that's where my "accumulating issues" stemmed from...... :)

    L, dana


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