Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I love Texas in the springtime... Wildflowers...

Lady Bird Johnson spent most of her post White House life, celebrating and preserving Texas Wildflowers... The photos... not from a nature preserve... but from my front yard...

Bluebonnets... the Texas State Flower... and some yellow... Wild Aster
and more yellow... don't know the name but I love it!

and then...

Wild Verbena
and finally, flowering Redbud...

yes... the rusty wire fence surrounds my side yard out behind Ricky's shop...
no... I can't take the credit for gardening... this one is all the handywork of God...
welcoming Spring... down here in French Lique...


  1. Dixie, oh my goodness, your flowers are just gorgeous!! I am in awe of your gardening talent! Thanks for sharing, I truly enjoyed seeing such a scenic view this evening, I so love flowers!

    A fellow Texan!


  2. Nancy... the great thing about wildflowers... you don't have to garden... God does all the work for you!

  3. Those wild flowers sure are beautiful! Some day I will see for myself! In the meantime, thanks for sharing all these beautiful photographs!

  4. Hi Dixie!
    My sister and I still say 'keep America beautiful' remembering Lady Bird.

  5. There is nothing more beautiful than Texas in the Spring. Beautiful shots of your wildflowers Dixie. I feel another trip to the Wildflower Center coming on.... Kathy

  6. Very pretty! You know, the bluebonnets are so tall this year. They could almost be hand tied and used for a bridal bouquet!! Thanks for sharing...
    BTW -- I am LOVING my magazine!!

  7. Hey Dixie!

    Your flowers are just beautiful! I always say that the best flowers are the ones from God! You truly have been blessed with all of the gorgeous ones you have around your house!


  8. The flowers were just gorgeous as I drove home. Sad to leave Texas but glad to get back home. My flowers are starting to bloom here. I want to get some wildflower seeds for next spring.

  9. It oughta be a law that EVERYone plant wildflowers. I just love them. Your part of Texas is wonderful in the spring...out here where the wind and sand blows, it isn't as pleasant. I love it when spring blows on thru to summertime.
    Have a great weekend...
    hugs, bj

  10. God blessed Texas the day Lady Bird was born. I can't look at wildflowers and not think of her and her efforts. (Psst...can you tell she's one of my heroes?)
    P.S. Would you believe as hard as I try...I can't get bluebonnets to grow? I'll just have to enjoy looking at yours!

  11. Miss Dixie-
    This one has me stumped.
    How pretty they all are.
    This is such a great time of year (except for taxes!).


  12. Ah, Next summer! I will get to enjoy the beautiful flowers as well! :)

  13. Lovely lovely flowers. I'm not sure that blue bonnets grow this far north--they are so very pretty. My redbuds are in bloom, as are the daffodils, tulips, blue bells, violets, etc...

    Hope you're having a good Thursday☺

  14. I love the wild flowers from Texas, when I was a teen and we lived over there Spring was my favorite time of year.

  15. Aren't the wild flowers great! We too, have tons of the Verbena so I know how purple they are. A pic just doesn't do justice to them.
    Busy with MIL this week so my life if a bit unbalanced but such is life. Which reminds me...I need to get more wine ;-)
    Terry and I are doing some booth work this afternoon. Maybe we can make a Geronimo run soon.
    My guys are packing up for a whole weekend camp out in Llano. TGIF ;-)

  16. Gorgeous, simply gorgeous :-) Happy Spring!

  17. I so miss my bluebonnets. This is the time of year that I change my computer wallpaper to bluebonnets and gaze longingly on all the pics that my friends I've so enjoyed yours.

  18. We have the prettiest flowers own here in God's country, don't we?

    Not that we're proud or nothin'. ;-)


  19. wild flowers are my all time favorite...I love indian paint brushes...

  20. Lady Bird was the best thing about that administration...the flowers are on my list,,,visiting TX in the spring,,how nice you can enjoy it every year.


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