Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Temporary Break in the Fast...

I simply could not let the first full day of spring 2010 go by, without showing you the beautiful spring weather at my daughter's home in Allen, Texas (just NE of Dallas). Yes, this is her deck this morning... yes, that is about 6-inches of snow... and it's still coming down!

Welcome Spring!

Dang Global Warming!

Happy Spring from down here in French Lique...


  1. Oh what a picture! Spring?? One day it's warm here in Austin, next day cold and windy! I am so ready for spring to really arrive and stay that way! I am a new blogger and have so enjoyed your blog, it's wonderful!

    Nancy's Notes

  2. We are having the same thing here in east central Kansas...where the heck is spring?

  3. LOL about the global warming spring Texas snow!!!! One GOOD thing - - - it doesn't last very long THIS time of year.

  4. Well, now I dont feel so sorry for myself. It wont last long!

  5. we got it her too...dang that Al Gore...and all that global warming...can't remember when we had so much snow...

  6. Yes, what happened??? I'm in NRH, not that far from Allen really. It is bitterly cold today ~ north winds are miserable.

    I so want the days of sunshine and 70 degrees back! :-)

  7. Isn't that just ridiculous???
    I don't know WHAT the heck to pack for Warrenton!

    Speaking of, you gonna pop over and say hi next week? :-)


  8. Oh darn, I wish you could come out to the shows. Another season. Be safe where you're going, T

  9. Good grief we are having the craziest weather ever. Ell nino, la-nino, global warming, polar icecaps!!! Hurry spring before we lose our minds!


  10. Hello
    Thanks for stopping by.
    I see your first day of spring was a little worse then ours, here in Chicago, we only got 3 inches but snowed all day.
    Oh and Happy Spring

  11. Your daughter lives in Allen..... we are neighbors!!
    Tell her she will have to come to the Mckinney Garden & Home Tour June 12th!!

  12. No thanks!!! I don't want anymore of that stuff. Can you believe we had 70 degree weather yesterday here in GA, and this morning we were getting snow flakes!!!

  13. Well, I LOVE LoVe LOVE SNOW, but spring arrived so it may wait to come back until next winter. We had 70s which we thoroughly enjoyed.

    Happy spring!
    Have a beautiful week.
    TTFN~ Hugs, Marydon

  14. Unbelievable, Dixie! We had a few tiny snowflakes in the air, too! Where's spring? Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  15. Without you in my life...that is what I feel like.
    But aside from my own little life...I'm sorry but I would just HAVE to make my tracks across the deck. Did ya just not walk across it at all?
    O.K. it is a lovely site and smacks in the face of global warming...oops...climate change! Climate change, gotta love that one...covers their butt not matter which way it goes.
    This is what life at Rock Candy looks like without French Lique...too many words...push ;-)

  16. I live about an hour and a half from Allen and have family in Plano! We got snow, too, but not quite as much as they did there! It was lovely but I'm ready for Spring weather! Patti in Texas


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