Saturday, January 23, 2010

Silver Sunday... strolling around Blue Hills Antique Mall in Geronimo!

I'm joining sweet Beth for Silver Sunday again this week... If you love silver and want to see more... visit Beth at Gypsy Fish Journal... the participants are on her sidebar... you'll love what you see...

Here are some of the Silver for sale in my booth at Blue Hills Antique Mall in Geronimo, Texas. I'm moving my booth from the back to the front next week, so I'm having a 50% off Moving Up! Sale... this week.

So if you happen to be near Geronimo sometime this week... drop by and see! I wandered around Blue Hills with Candy last week, taking some silver photos...I love this Silver Basket...only $10... and a pretty crystal and Silver Cruet set...and that last shiny Silver thing... it's a server for Caviar! The bowl is filled with crushed ice and the crystal glasses filled with Caviar... everybody needs one of these... don't they?

and there are teapots and coffee pots galore... but all a little pricey for me... ranging from $35 to $65... but I'm sure worth every penny!

and then there's this... okay... it's not SILVER... but it is silver...

my new Cannon Digital Camera (I dropped my pink Sony camera, and now it has trouble with close-ups!)... Have a gloriously Silver Sunday...
Many Blessings from down here in French Lique...


  1. I don't care for caviar, but I love the idea of a special dish for it! Didn't know about that! Happy SS!

  2. What a cool new blog header picture, Little Miss Dixie!!!

  3. So you are moving on up are you?
    I can't imagine having to move my booth, whew, lot's of work.
    I love all the silver you are showing us today. Yes, the teapots always seem to be pricey,
    so whenever I see one cheap I usually grab it!
    I love how you change your headers.
    They always look great.


  4. Some lovely pieces. Whew! Moving the booth, sounds like work to me. That is the last thing I would want to do but it might really help your sales.

  5. I am loving all of the silver, Dixie, especially the tea and coffee pots!! Gorgeous!


  6. So many pretty, sparkly things for Silver Sunday!

  7. Wonderful Silver Sunday ....good luck with your sale too.

    I read the 1200 was top rated. How do you like it so far???

  8. I like your new header....pretty silver...

  9. G'eve Dixie ~ Great silver finds!

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  10. Dixie, you have a nice collection of silver. A caviar server...had no idea! Now I will be looking for one on my Goodwill haunts! Thanks for sharing.

  11. I just love all your silver and a sale too, whoo-hoo!!!!

    You have a caviar server and I'll be sharing my butter butler soon :) A match made on Silver Sunday LOL


  12. Nice silver. Wish I lived closer, I'd be doing some shopping next week.

  13. Beautiful silver pieces. I wish I lived closer to take advantage of your 50% off sale. Good luck with your move up front!

  14. Such pretty silver and I love the one's in your booth. Yep 50% off would have me looking!! Hope your move up front works out!

  15. Well if I knew where Geronimo Texas was I would make a beeline there right now..I love the pieces and would like to come down and shop..are you anywhere near Austin...I may be there in March??
    Beautiful post!

    Miss Bloomers/Sonia

  16. Love the new look...some pretty things in your pictures!


  17. Oh how I wish I could come shop your 50% off sale! Already moving up! You have some really pretty silver in your booth, and apparently so do the other dealers. laurie

  18. Very pretty silvers....I especially love the mosaiced pieces!! Happy SS!

  19. I wish I lived close enough to get by for the sale, you have some beautiful pieces. Love your new camera too. I've been wanting to get a better one, but it may have to wait, we're all sharing a computer, so I'd like my own laptop first. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  20. Your silver is lovely. How can you part with all the lovely piecies? I'm afraid I would be buying more than I would be selling.

  21. I love, by the way you new header! Sounds like a lot of work to move, but it's such a good way to see and arrange things differently...that is if you have anything left!! Have agreat Sunday

  22. Canon cameras rock...I love mine..and oh such a trove of silver you found. Thanks for coming...see you next Sunday!
    {{gypsy hugs}}

  23. Hi Dixie:
    Wonderful silver goodies! Thanks for sharing.

  24. Awesome silver, can you pick up a teapot for me!!! he he, I love the shot of the camera too!!!
    Margaret B

  25. Dixie,
    Thanks so much for the invite...I'm not sure where
    Geronimo is, but I can sure "window" shop. I like the silver sugar and creamer that has the mosaic tile...I've never seen that before. Neat! Thanks so much for sharing! btw, I have that camera and love it!

  26. If I lived in Geronimo I'd be there shopping for sure! Happy Silver Sunday...

  27. what pretty things! i wish i lived near geronimo!

  28. If I were there I would have to buy out your booth! Love it all. Sorry my Sunday Silver visit is so late but I do love your silver post!


To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

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I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

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