Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Momentous Occassion...

While Cheering for the Longhorns to beat Alabama... Romeo took a break at halftime to pull his first tooth! Longhorns lost...

But I have it on good authority that the Tooth Fairy plans to make Romeo the big winner tonite... Look under you pillow Romeo... and tell Grandma what you find!

Another Momentous Occasion... down here in French Lique...


  1. Oh Dixie sweetie...
    We were out here in Phoenix, hollering for thoe Longhorns ourselves. Great freshman quarterback, and I bet they will be doing big things next year with him. Gret game.

    Now Romeo lost his first tooth too. What an exciting night for all of you. Look at the precious smile would you. He will melt hearts one of these days. Look out Moma.

    Have a beautiful Friday Ms Dixie. Give Precious and Roxy a critter hug for me. Gotta love the critters.

    Country hugs and so much love sweetie..>Sherry

  2. What a little *doll*!
    Lil' Romeo is surely gonna be living up to that name in a few short years....gonna need a baseball bat to keep the gals at bay! ;-)


  3. Dixie, he's adorable! I don't think there is anything cuter than a kiddo with a gap toothed smile. I was sick about our boys last night, felt so bad for Colt. What a way to end an amazing college career. But they never gave up, and isn't that the Texas way? Have a great weekend. Kathy

  4. even though they had a great time with your grandson..what a cutie pie

  5. A huge life milestone! Let's hope in a few years, he's not losing any in a football game! Romeo and Graycie must be about the same age...7, right? I like this song that's playing...kinda like me and you?
    P.S. I wonder if we will be that proud of missing teeth in our older years!

  6. I too watched the game - - - I did feel so badly for Colt that he got injured so early in the game.

  7. Romeo, Romeo...where for art thou tooth???!!
    Grandma Dixie you sure have an adorable grandson. Lucky for you guys that The Tooth Fairy is unfettered by the cold weather and like Santa always gets through! Happy Friday, Dixie Doodle. :) Nancy
    Our poor Longhorns :(

  8. Ahhh.....isn't that just the cutest thing? Hopefully he'll be all filled in by next Christmas so he won't have to sing "the" song!


  9. Oh is a Romeo for real. How handsome is he!!! Too bad the Longhorns lost. *sniff sniff* Buy Yeah for Romeo!!

  10. Dixie, what a doll Romeo is! And that tooth just makes him even cuter.


    Sheila :-)

  11. lost? ahhhh :(

    but someone gained :)
    he is a handsome fella.
    PS..the tooth fairy has experienced inflation and cost of living issues...quarters are so passe...

  12. What a precious little man. I bet you are a great grandmother Miss Dixie.

    Grandsons are the greatest.


  13. Oh he looks so cute, and you can tell he's proud of his missing tooth! laurie


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