Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Wonderful Day of Celebrating, Thrifting and Friendship...

Little did I know when I arrived to meet Candy and Terry in Wimberley yesterday morning... they had decided that it would be my birthday celebration day. It was a delightful surprise... a day filled with celebration, shopping local thrift shops, with two sweet friends I'd met through this medium we call blogging...

Candy bought lunch for us all at a local San Marcos eatery that Terry recommended... while we ate wonderful chicken salad sandwiches Candy entertained with stories from her childhood; being locked in a closet by an elementary school teacher because she was talking too much... imagine that!

and then later... Terry treated us to dessert at a pie shop in Kyle... we were hungry (again) from our thrift shop excursion... Camera shy Terry brought gifts for both Candy and me...

A sweet book of thoughts... the package so pretty I hated to open it...

and Candy gave me homemade wild grape jam... and a bottle of wine... custom labeled...
If you look closely you'll see my profile photo screened beneath the words...
"Aged to Perfection"... thank you sweet friend...
My thrifting finds... An adorable little garden hat, which I'll add new ribbon and silk roses to before putting it in my booth in Geronimo...

A little Eiffel Tower Souvenir that Candy spotted for me...

...this funny set of Fractured French coasters
(or ash trays... but they are coasters to me)...

and a pretty framed print..

of Le Sacré-Coeur Basilica in Paris...

A set of 4 pretty Italian styled napkin rings...

A stack of old books from the resale book shop... total cost... $1.50...

A sweet girl with her pets... this art piece made by Terry... from their booth in Wimberley...

One of Candy's wonderful pin cushions, also from their booth...
a gift for someone special...

A bunch of old silver... only $1 each.. I'll clean them up and see what happens... I do have something in mind...

A mighty fine stack of junk... errr.. treasure... from a wonderful day of thrifting shopping with two of the sweetest gals in Texas... Thanks Candy and Terry... you made my day!

Blessings, from down here in French Lique...


  1. Wow, Dixie..looks like you had a great time on your little outing. I just love these little trips with friends.
    And what pretty treasures you found. Love all of them.
    Thanks for sharing

  2. Oh Dixie...
    Sweetie I bet you just had the most beautiful time. Love all your treasures, and I can't wait to see what you are going to do with that silverplate. I know it will be beautiful. Loved the books, and the picture of the little girl, just devien.

    Thank you for sharing your visit with me today. I had such a beautiful morning. I love thrifting and antiquing with friends.

    Now I have to know which blog is Terry from? Candy I know for sure. I was laughing so hard at her being locked in the closet for talking. How sweet is that? Lovin it.

    Country hugs and much love sweetie...Sherry

  3. Dixie, what a wonderful way to spend a birthday...Happy,happy to you!
    Love all your gifts, but especially the wine bottle with your "I dream of Jeanie" eyes on there! That logo is what I thought of when I saw the photo.
    I bet I have an idea of what you'll do with your cleaned up silverware!

  4. Hi Dixie
    What a wonderful birthday for you!

  5. What a fun surprise for your birthday. You came across some great things. I love the little girl with her pets!
    Christmas Hugs,

  6. What a fun birthday celebration, Dixie, and I wish you a happy one, too!

    Loved all of your finds and your gifts from the girls, too.

    Looks like a blast!


    Sheila :-)

  7. What more could a thrifter want for her birthday then friends, food and great finds! Oh yes and wonderful thoughtful gifts. Friends who 'get' you are the best!

  8. thanks for asking Sherry... Terry claims to be computer inept and does not blog... but she does enjoy reading the blogs of others... and ocassionally leaves a comment...

    Hi Terry, if you're reading this... your little girl is a hit!

    hugs. Dixie

  9. Loved your recap of our day. Thanks for not posting the other picture of me ;-)
    It was a fun day and I hope to post my side of the story before I head out for another Christmas performance this afternoon.
    Hope to see you two on the River Walk next weekend.
    Tuesday Treats!

  10. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a really fun day.

  11. Happy Birthday Dixie... you did find treasures, I think you hit the mother load.

    Sweet girlfriends... fun memories.

  12. What a wonderful way to spend a birthday!

  13. O, what a fun birthday celebration this must have been. I am soooo glad you had such a great time. I am loving all the treasures, too.
    Have a fabulous day...

  14. Texas gals always know how to have fun!!! Happy Birthday!

  15. What a fun birthday party, and then to go thrifting with friends...can't think of any nicer way to spend a day. Happy Birthday, Dixie!

  16. What a fun birthday celebration..spent with good friends, good food and great thrifting/antiqueing..

  17. Hi! I am glad to have found your blog- I am a fellow south Texan who loves to go junkin at flea markets & do all sorts of crafts! Thanks for sharing your treasures!

  18. Happy Birthday Dixie! Sounds like you had a lovely day with friends, great food and lots of Treasures!


  19. Well Hey Dixie!
    Glad you stopped by and it's so nice to meet you. I guess I could call you my neighbor sort of...you are only about 6 hours from me here in Louisiana.
    My sister lived in New Braunfels...that area is so BEAUTIFUL!!!!
    I just love your Christmas background on your blog...it's so vintage!!!!
    I've so enjoyed my visit here, I'll be back soon~
    everything vintage

  20. How fun! Isn't it great when you meet people in person and find out you really do like them! I love some of your "finds" and it sounds like a wonderful day.


  21. Hi Dixie!

    Oh, dang........I'm so jealous of you Texas girlies........I want to play too!

    Your finds look just yummmm-o!


  22. ♬ Happy Birthday, Dixie!

    What a great time you and your Blogland friends had, and you scooped up a trunkload of treasures too!

  23. wow, looks like you had a wonderful time! Wimberly has such great little antique shops!

  24. What a fun Birthday excursion! Happy Birthday again!

  25. Happy Happy Birthday to a fellow December birthday gal! What wonderful friends! And lovely gifts too...as if the friends aren't enough right?

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  26. What a great gals day out:-). A belated Happy Birthday - love the Aged to Perfection tag.

  27. Dixie, This looks like a wonderful birthday celebration. A belated happy birthday to you. You found some fabulous thrift. If I went thrifting with you, I'm afraid I'd be fighting you for the same treasures! That framed print is so pretty, and I love the little girl picture. laurie

  28. Happy Belated Birthday! Looks like you girls had a grand time. Love the set of books. Great find!


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