Saturday, December 26, 2009

White Christmas in North Texas...

My sweet grandkiddos had their very first White Christmas this year... It began snowing on Christmas Eve....

and Romeo with dog Daisy and Mom in tow went out with his light-sabor to play... it was cold!

Then on Christmas day, Panda and her brother little Einstein built a snowman in the front yard...

Their first White Christmas in north Texas... a beautiful childhood memory!
alas... no snow for Christmas down here in French Lique...
ps... thank you darling daughters for sharing the white Christmas photos with me and Grandpa... we love you!


  1. Looks like you got to have a little Winter Wonderland there in Texas this Christmas! Kids do love their snow! Ours is all melted but we are expected to get another storm later this week.

    Let it Snow!

  2. Hi there!

    I love the black and white photo! It tells a story!

    I'm 18 and I haven't experienced a White Christmas yet. Maybe when I get to the States! Haha!

    Much Love,

  3. Oh I am SOOOO glad this happened for you and your grandkids! There is NOTHING like a white Christmas.

    Our Christmas Eve was white, but by Christmas morning rain had washed away all the white. For us though, there is always the hope of a lot more white as the winter progresses through north central Indiana.

  4. You know I think those of us in the South appreciate a white Christmas so much more because of its rarity.

    A Very Happy New Year to you, Dixie.

  5. I am happy that those sweet little kiddos had the experience of a white is awesome for those who have never experienced it! We had a white one to the tune of about 8" that Christmas day has come and gone...the snow can also!

  6. Having lived in TX all my life, I know how exciting it is to have a white Christmas. Have to admit that at my age though I'd rather not have to deal with snow and ice. LOL It's cold but sunny here in central TX. Just perfect! ~ Sarah

  7. We get such a kick out of seeing people in awe of their first snow ... we just got buried last week with 24" in our blizzard.

    Love the pics of the kid-lings, they are darling.

    TTFN ~ Marydon

  8. How fun, Dixie! And what cuties! I can only remember one white Christrmas in my entire life! It is indeed special! I hope yours was a happy one!...hugs...Debbie

  9. Isn't that awesome? I had a head up to spend Christmas in Ennis with his dad, and he said they had snow there, too.
    Maybe next year for us, right? :-)

    Wishing you a very blessed New Year!

  10. Hey Miss Dixie-

    Happy New Year-
    Your grandchildren are precious.


  11. What a wonderful Christmas and perfect pictures. Wonderful memories that will last forever.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  12. Oh Dixie...
    What beautiful photos you have shared today. I so love them. I have not had a white Christmas in over 25 years, as that is how long it has been since I have been home. (My home is now here in Phoenix with my family). I dream about it at the holidays though, and yes Oklahoma did have a white Christmas with 10-12 inches of snow on the ground and lots of ice.

    Thank you for sharing 2009 with me and I so look forward to 2010 this year with you.

    Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

  13. Your grands are so cute, and I can feel their excitement about the snow. I'm sure it was an amazing sight for them. laurie

  14. Wish we could have a little magic dust down here ;-)
    Great Christmas card with you and hubby...great happy couple!
    Haven't seen Terry since we were together...'bout time for another go at the thrift stores.
    Cheers for the new year!

  15. I would have loved the snow more if the winds were not !00 mph we got 1in and Mom lives in FTW she got 3
    Thank you for the birthday wishes I hope Ricky had a good one also
    Have a relaxin kind of Sunday

  16. great photos...I'm glad the white stuff is gone..I've never dreamed of a White Christmas...

  17. The black and white photo could win a prize!

  18. Wasn't the snow just glorious? I so enjoyed having a white Christmas. i know it has its drawbacks but it was so nice to enjoy one this year here in Texas.

  19. Oh, Dixie! How wonderful this is that they had a white Christmas. Loved seeing these pics.


    Sheila :-)

    Off to read your other posts...

  20. I'm 35 and it was my first white christmas too! (we are in Arlington). The kids were so excited. It was so much fun to out Christmas morning and build a snowman!

    Have a Happy New Year!

  21. Love the photos of the beautiful g'kids playing in the snow...and I love the names!
    Girl, when you get the chance e-mail me your mailing won one of the prizes from my slumber party!


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