Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wordless Wednesday... FLAG DAY... Keep It Wordless!

If you'd like to join Wordless Wednesday, link your WORDLESS post below.

If you find your link removed from Wordless Wednesday, please read the instructions Here, prior to reposting.

This week's Wordless subject...


Wordless Wednesday at French Lique, Texas Participants
1. Ita @Something To Share
2. dana of the stone rabbit
3. Aimee
4. Angela
5. bj
6. Kathy
7. Nancy@MyCraftyLittlePage
8. Barbara The Purple Goat Lady
9. Dawn
10. Charlotte
11. Becky
12. Esther@Shabby Cottage
13. Candy
14. Marjorie.mollys country memories
15. Chandy
16. Terry
17. Anne Fannie
18. printersdevil~Felecia
19. Renee @ Cottage Lifestyle
20. Simply Heather
21. Ginger~Wilmington, NC
22. momma
23. KayC@Butter's Bunch
24. Margie
25. KayC@ Anna Clo't and me
26. Leah
27. Amber
28. Naomi
29. Sue@sullivanandmurphy
30. Cathy
31. Linda @ Seasons of Life
32. Susan
33. Sharing with Sherri
34. Elena
35. Linda
36. Mozi Esme
37. Sandi

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. God Bless America!!!

    Wish our Missouri flag was as pretty as your Texas flag!!!

    Happy Wordless Wednesday! L, Dana

  2. Ah, there's nothing like that lone star flying high!

  3. There's nothing like Old Glory.


  4. *God Bless America*

    Beautiful flags Dixie!!! Your Texas State Flag is beautiful too!

    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* Happy Wordless Wednesday~

  5. Beautiful Dixie! And just look at that sky in the second shot. Thanks for hosting every week. Kathy

  6. Hey Dixie~ As you can see we have a tiny porch. I haven't decided what to put on it yet. We'll see. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Stars and Stripes!!!
    God Bless Texas!!!!!!

  8. Hello Dear, Thanks for another Wordless Wednesday...please note I said nothing except thanks....aren't you proud of me, it was hard.


  9. Hey Dixie, 2nd time was a piece of cake! I never get tired of seeing Old Glory agianst a bright blue sky! Wish I had more photos to post. Maybe next time.

  10. America the Beautiful
    Texas Our Texas!
    (6 words!)

  11. Hi Dixie..

    Beautiful flags..
    Happy WW

    Lots of luv,

  12. Good choice of subjects.
    Happy W.W.

  13. May she always wave in Freedom.

    Awesome colors!

    Proud to be an American,

  14. Cool flags, Dixie! Glad I could join in today!

  15. Hi Dixie
    Thank you for remembering flag day.
    You are so awesome !
    Have a blessed Wordless Wednesday.
    Happy Trails

  16. Our flag is the prettiest of all! I love the colors!

  17. Thank you for honoring Old Glory! My second photo is of my late parents in front of the flag that my miltary retiree Dad was so proud to have served for over 30 years!

  18. Great topic this week! And all the flags are so beautiful.

  19. Beautiful flags, Auntie J. You should get on Facebook, btw. Love you!

  20. Great Flags Dixie! I love seeing the American Flag wave to and fro... It's a very goosebumpy moment for me every time! No matter where I travel...I still know that America the Beautiful is still the most free country there is~ Have missed coming to see you! ~CC Catherine

  21. Beautiful flags! I love to see them!

    Have a lovely day!
    Margie :)

  22. Today is just one of those days... don't ask me what happened when I first linked (number 22). So if you would delete that one because it just goes right back to you. My computer is fighting me all the way this week, it won't paste the shortcut either. I hope next week will be better! Thank you for hosting!!! I love "Wordless Wednesday" Love this theme and your photos! Have a great "WW" and see you next week ;-)

  23. Miss Dixie- No flags in my photos for today's Wordless Wednesday, but I will be back next week for sure!


  24. Oh......like that Texas flag!
    I should of found a Maryland flag to put up...I am partial to MD's flag, not just because I live here..because it is very patterned and colorful!
    Thanks Dixie!

  25. As a close neighbor to your state, I have always loved the Lone Star flag! I have many, many pals from this great state, too. And that includes YOU! :-) Sue

  26. Great flag pics, Dixie! Happy WW!...hugs...Debbie

  27. I'm giving the Wordless Wednesday a try...hope I did it right? :-/

  28. I love our flag. The older I get, the more it can really bring tears to my eyes when I see it.

  29. Beautiful flag photos! Have wonderful day Dixie!

  30. Dixie,
    Thank you so much for being our hostess again this week. I always look forward to WW!!!

    Your flags are wonderful...gotta love that Texas flag!!!

    Happy WW!!!

  31. great flag pictures.

    thanks for hosting WW! :)

  32. Right up my blogs alley! How appropriate for this time of year. Thank you!


  33. This is my first WW and I didn't know there was a theme until after I put up my post, but I still managed to get one flag theme pic in after the fact!

    Your photos are great!

  34. Hi Dixie, Love the flags against the beautiful blue sky. God Bless America. Thank you for sharing this great pics.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  35. just love our flag, long may Old Glory wave....

  36. Dixie, there is just something so stirring about seeing the American Flag blowing in the wind. (Yes, I'll admit it, Tex. has a pretty flag)! laurie

  37. You'll have to come over to my summertime tablescape that I was telling you I had pre-scheduled last week..with French Lique sliced lemons...;)

  38. I am sure I posted my link this morning or was it last night. Now I can't remember. But now I see it is not here. Did I do something wrong? I know I kept it wordless. Earlier I was having trouble with accessing your blog, windows would keep opening one after another and I have to turn off the computer and start again. It seems to do that with blogs with Mr Linky. Very annoying when I am trying to visit others who posted for that theme/day. Anyway, I was saddened to find my link gone.

  39. Thanks for your visit. I guess my link disappeared in the neverland of cyberspace or something. I did the usual highlight to copy and paste my post URL, came to your blog, put it in and did the click, then I did the highlight to copy and paste your URL, clicked on my name back to my post, then to edit to enter your URL as a link in my post. So after all that I guess my link did the disappearing act somehow. So I will try again next time I do a WW post. Thanks for your reassurance that it was no one's fault, except for blogger maybe. Have a good rest of the week.


To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

I hope that you'll leave a little comment (I love comments) so I know that you have visited... I'd like to visit you too!

I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

Welcome to French Lique, Texas...