Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mosaic Monday... Ode to the Peony...

Okay... I'm fairly certain that you guys are sick and tired of watching me moan and groan about the passing of my Peonies... so here it is... the final Peony Post for Spring 2009... and God Bless you all for mourning with me...

Now, jump on over to see Mary at her Dear Little Red House and visit beautiful mosaics on Mosaic Monday... while I go out and pick some wildflowers down here in French Lique...


  1. Such delicate and lovely pastels. They may be the last harvest but we will hope for more blooms the next season. Have a great week.

  2. Honestly, Dixie, it crossed my mind that my daughter's art project would indeed make a great giant wind sock. Better not suggest it, though, as she spent a couple of hundred hard-earned dollars on materials for it, and it would also scare the neighborhood kids no end flying off the corner of the house!

    I mourn your peony passing as well. Peonies are my absolute favorite flower in the whole wide world -- although I don't have any growing here. Must remedy that. their only drawback is that their blooming season is so danged short. Maybe we wouldn't appreciate them so much if they bloomed all summer. Yeah, we would.
    Thanks for visiting!

  3. Such a great mosaic and your peonies are so pretty. Hugs, Marty

  4. Oh the beauty of this mosaic is speaking to me. I would mourn the passing of peonies too :0)

  5. Thanks for sharing these beautiful peony images ~ the mosaic is wonderful. I know you are sad to know these are the last blooms of the season, but we cannot even grow them here in southern California. This might be one good reason to move since they have always been one of my favorites.


  6. Oh know I am in love with those peonies!!! You have my permission to post about them everyday;)!!! Gorgeous mosaic!!!

    I used peonies in my mosaic too!!! Who would have guessed?!!!

    Happy MM!!!

  7. You are super good at these mosaics.

  8. I feel your pain! It is sad when the peonies are gone. They have such a short bloom life, I wish 'they' could develop a breed that blooms spring-fall.

  9. I just popped over for the first time and I love the Poenies. They are my favorite too! All of these Texas blogs make me homesick. Texas was and always be my home. I go back every chance I get,My daughter and 3 grandkids are there. A Texan walking around in Ca.

  10. Ahhhhhh the exquisite Peony, what a beautiful mosaic, it is sad though, I have so enjoyed seeing all the many, many peonies here in blogland, happy MM Dixie, Kathy.

  11. Beautiful mosaic Dixie, and I love peonies too. They bloom for such a short time, but bring such beauty while they do. Have a great week and I'll "see" you Wednesday. Kathy

  12. Gorgeous peonies! Enjoyed your mosaic, very pretty in pink!

  13. Oh, so gorgeous! Every year after the peonies pass, I swear I will plant dozens more, but somehow it never happens... Yours are so beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing at Mosaic Monday, Dixie! :)

  14. This is beautiful. I wish the peonies would bloom all year. TTFN ~Marydon

  15. Dixie:

    I have actually found some time this morning and thought I would visit a few of my favorite blogs.

    I have been so busy but I really miss keeping up with everyone's posts.

    I think of it as having a neighborhood of good friends.

    The peonies are lovely and you mosaic is really well done as the colors all blend so nicely.

    Have a Wonderful Week!
    The Raggedy Girl

  16. Gorgeous mosaic! Sorry to tell you my peonies are currently blooming and they smell so good ;)

  17. I never get tired of peonies! Yours were amazing this year.

  18. I'm going to have to look into peonies, they're sumptuous! You've photographed them beautifully.

  19. Oh Dixie...they are gorgeous! And I guess they would grow here in GA? Gotta check that out!...Debbie

  20. Oh I am in love! I can smell the peonies from here.
    ; )

  21. I absolutley adore peonies too! Your mosaic is gorgeous!! And I mourn their passing with you...

    Maybe you could frame your mosaics to comfort you until they return again next spring!

    Thanks for the peek!
    Have a wonderful day!

  22. I just love your blog. What a lovely mosaic. The peony is one of my favorite flower, too bad it only blooms once.
    Thanks for sharing!

  23. Oh Dixie I'm loving all this PINK I see here...just beautiful my friend...May you have a great day...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  24. what? someone's complaining about peonies?

    a very beautiful mosaic

  25. That is a pretty mosaic of all your pretty peonies.
    Even the weeds are starting to dry out and die around here. It has been soooo hot and dry for 2 weeks.

    We need some rain.


  26. I don't think you can have too many photos of peonies! They're my favorite. ::Jill

  27. Miss Dixie-
    Your blog looks so pretty today that I would do a mosaic comment if I knew how to do a mosaic!

    Very, very pretty!


  28. Honestly, I mourn with you. I wish we could grow these in California, but no, we can't. sigh. But I buy each and every one I can find for the short time we can. Love them!! Your photos are to die for.
    xo Lidy

  29. Dixie, I LOVE peonies - they are just gorgeous - and the mosaic is fabulous! Linda

  30. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
    They were so pretty!

  31. Beautiful mosaic. I am sure they will live on in your dreams...and
    Hope you got some pretty wildflowers.
    Just got back from picking the garden. Sure is hot and sticky.
    I'm dreaming of a swimming pool in my back yard...S P L A S H !!!


  32. Parting is such sweet sorrow... May the peonies rest in peace till next year! Beautiful mosaic!
    Have a great week!
    ~Really Rainey~

  33. Dixie, I will never get tired of beauty. There is just too little of it to go just keep showing me those gorgeous peonies!
    P.S. Even the shipper's box is pretty!

  34. Lovely flowers and colors--you really enjoyed the blooming!

  35. I have enjoyed your posts about the peonies. Your mosaic look wonderful.


  36. Dixie, I am so soory about your poenies, they are beautiful and it is shame we have to wait till next year to see them again. I must go to Mary's and learn how to make a mosaic.
    You need to come our way, Sharon and I are headed to Malakoff and Athens next week to the shops there, 13 in Malakoff and some in Athens.


  37. Peonies are so beautiful that the deserve mourning ;-) Love your mosaic.

  38. Oh Dixie!

    That made me laugh. I know you've loved your peonies. Isn't it wonderful to have something you love so much to look forward to? I thought of you the other day when my sweet friend, Susan, (of the 1/2 husband-sweet friend-love story fame) stopped by and brought me a huge bouquet of pink peonies. They are just delish! And I sure have enjoyed them.

    Thanks for the tip about the HTML....I was SOOOOOO frustrated.

    I have to say, there have been a TON of FABULOUS gals from Texas who have visited me. Do you ALL have hearts the size of TEXAS?? Sooooo sweet, you gals!

    Have a wonderful day!


  39. I love peonies & your mosaic is beautiful. I could have mourned a little better if I could enlarge the photo though. ☺ diane

  40. Dixie, your mosaic is beautiful, and what a lovely tribute to the end of your peonies! laurie


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