Sunday, June 21, 2009

Me and My Shadow.... Metamorphosis Monday...

Metamorphosis Monday is hosted by Susan ... If you'd like to see more of Metamorphosis Monday participants, link here to visit Between Naps on the Porch...

I've had this wall art piece for a couple of months... I bought it for my home office from Wilson Graphics Etsy Shop... Now, the reason for this purchase was...

it made me think about how shadows are often so much larger than the thing they are a shadow of...and in my office... I have a baby... that perhaps dreams, that someday, he will grow up...and be a big boy... but for now... he'll have to resign himself to knowing that, his shadow reflects the metamorphosis of the big boy chandy he will become someday... down here in French Lique...

and a note about the chandy shadow... I completely forgot to take photos of it's installation... I followed the directions supplied by Wilson Graphics very carefully... and though, due to it's large size, it was a little cumbersome for one person to install it alone, once I got going, I found it pretty easy to do. It does take a while... with all the little "crystal" pieces, which have a tendency to want to stay on the paper you peel off... I used my Martha Stewart boning tool... and with a little patience and care... Voila'! I would highly recommend Wilson's products... I've bought others and been disappointed, but no disappointment here! I love it!


  1. Oh Ms. Dixie this is just awesome my friend...I really do love this post...WOW!! you did great...May you have a great week...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  2. While I love your shadow chandy...I adore your baby boy! He is adorable.

  3. Hi Dixie,
    I love your little is beautiful! The shadow one is beautiful, as well! Wow, I'd like to see the chandelier that they created the shadow from!

  4. Dixie, I've seen these graphics and wanted to try them. Yours looks really good and it was good to hear that this company's product met with your approval. :-)Sue

  5. FABULOUS Dixie! It looks wonderful....well, I should say...THEY look wonderful! Love both of them. You have the cutest darn things!


  6. I really like this Dixie. What a great idea. And I love the baby chandy too. Kathy

  7. That's beautiful Dixie! I love your smaller chandy, too.

  8. Wow,, what a grand statement !
    Looks great !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  9. Hey Dixie, very cool! Baby Chandy probably already thinks the "shadow" is his. He is looking very proud! My son has one of those "fat heads" in his room. It's a life size NBA basketball player. That was a challenge to get up too.

  10. I love getting inspired from new ideas...and this is certainly one of them! I LOVE THIS!! Laura

  11. Ooh, that is VERY cool! I have a weird wall that needs something like that! : )

  12. How CUTE!!! My DIL sells Uppercase Living---a product very similar to what you used for your cute wall decor!! Everything I get from her I MAKE her fix apply it for me--I screwed the first one up! :0

    Oh, I LOVE your sweet Southern Iced Tea!! Having Arkansas roots, that's the only way we used to drink it when I was young!! In fact, last weekend, we visited some of my family there and I enjoyed a big old glass of sweet tea for the first time in years!! :)

    Have a great day! L, Dana

  13. It is lovely! I like how you framed the photos on these pics! Very dramatic.

  14. This is enchanting and clever. I love it.

  15. Hello Dixie - love your chandelier! It's fabulous.


  16. It is beautiful and such a wonderful idea to use it that way.


  17. Belated Happy Father's Day, Dixie and that wall art, genius! I agree and you did a great job incorporating it. You have such fun ideas! ;-)

  18. I just love the way you think! Your chandeliers are both beautiful. laurie


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