Friday, June 19, 2009

Cloche Party... I just couldn't resist!

I tried so hard to resist... but I couldn't... Marty's Cloche Party just called my name... after seeing several of my favorite blogger's party post... well... I got my camera out and took a couple of photos of my one and only cloche... it's old... I've had it for 20-years...
It sits in my office on a bookshelf... housing a pair of S&P birdie shakers and two little mice from France... next to my vellum covered books, a fleur de lis book end and a mercury candle votive filled with scrolls of French books pages...
My little birdies came from Marshalls... and my little mice... vintage find from France... they are one of my favorite things... I paid $4 for them...

Well dear friends... that's all the cloche-ing for today... from down here in French Lique...


  1. thx 4 sharing!
    o, so pretty!
    enjoy your site!!

  2. You might only have one but its a beauty! How do you keep the birds from eating your mice? :-D

    Aren't the small finds like that the most precious. I'm sure you have so many memories attached to that tiny pair of mice. I'm glad you grabbed your camera and joined the party.
    I also wanted to say how pretty your blog header is. That is the prettiest tabkescape. I just wanna sit down there with you and have some lemonade and lunch. Have a great weekend! ~barb

  3. That is so cute. Mice and birdies, that's an interesting combination.

  4. I just read your comment on my Cloche Post and was coming over to tell you to grab that camera and put one of the wedding pics of your bride under the cloche with the favor or napkin, show off the recent wedding! ;) You were ahead of me with your own plan already! :) I love the idea of you having pages from French books rolled into scrolls! You're always a step ahead of me Ms Dixie! ;) Your Frenchlique Lady! ;) Hugs, ~CC Catherine

  5. Very cute Miss Dixie jst as every thing you do...May you have a great weekend my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  6. Hi there, Miss Dixie! I love your prety cloche...and of course, all of your frenchy things! I think one like yours is exactly what I have been looking for without realizing it! The little mice are precious!! Happy Friday!!...hugs...Debbie

  7. Oh I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your cute birdies and mice. How precious. I love to have special keepsakes that remind me of wonderful times and finds. What a lovely vignette. I looks so pretty. Thanks so much for joining the party. This is such fun and I love all the wonderful eye candy and the inspiration is boundless. Hugs, Marty

  8. very pretty.. I love your little birds and mice!

  9. hi there Dixie :) thank you so much for your lovely words :) and Im so proud you are my first follower :) i got all filled up with happy bubbles x ... son gone away for the weekend , im busy prepare for romantic night alone with John yay ! ^^ will find out more about wordless wedensday in next days so i dont mess it up lol ... okie have a wonderful friday x. much love from Ireland ...Kitti

  10. Very pretty display of cloches! Lovely blog to!


  11. An oldie but a goodie! It is so cute- love the little feathered freinds too

  12. Hi Dixie...

    Ohhh...I love your old cloche and it looks so beautiful with those sweet birds and french mice! They make for a beautiful vignette!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  13. I love your old cloche. You were in style & didn't even know it. The French mice are cute too.

  14. Well, don't feel alone. I only have one myself, fellow Texan! That's okay. We can change them up and no one will know the difference. Love those little mice!

  15. Your cloche is very different! But I love it all the same. I don't have a cloche....:-( Maybe one of these days. Thanks for sharing yours.

  16. Happy that you jumped in. It only takes a minute or two ;-)

    Hold the fort down while I'm gone. I know it will be in good hands.

    Wonder what Ricky is going to find in the garden this evening!?!


  17. Well, your one is one more than I have..Oh,i have some that are homemade but not worthy of showing.
    Your's is a real beauty...just love it. I've really enjoyed this day of pretties...

  18. Sweet, Dixie, sweet...just like iced tea!

  19. In my best Frenchy accent I say, "Zee leetle mice eez so cute. J'adore zee leetle black moustaches!" trr hrr Those little guys are precious and they look so gosh darn precious under glass watched over by the birds. I know they don't really have a moustache, but their whiskers remind me of one. or am I just nuts? It's fun to treasure even the smallest of things...

  20. HEY Dixie, I have been having holy heck staying on your blog long enough to post a comment, sorry.
    I don't know why? Been missing you.

    Have a great week end.

  21. have a great weekend....

    and I wish you had chipmunks in your area, as they really are just the sweetest things ever and very often you can train them to come right up on your porch and eat out of your hand....

  22. The birdies don't eat the mice? Now I know it cloche-proofed!

  23. Your an original cloche owner!

    The reason for our move is that our son and his family moved. We followed! The bonus is that now we are only two hours away from our daughter and her family, so we are all closer.

  24. Dixie...I love this!!! Darling!!!

    Enjoy your weekend!!!

  25. Dear Dixie, clicked on your blog and this came up...I thought I was in the wrong place! Not much time these days so I don't know when you changed everything. Love the new background...and the header is so pretty! I can't keep up with you and your parties!!! I don't even own one cloche :(

  26. I think it's darling! Especially with those cuties in there...

  27. Well, if you are only going to have one cloche, this is the one to have! I love it. And your tiny little mice are precious. laurie

  28. Very pretty. I love your's just lovely!


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