Monday, June 29, 2009

Blue Monday...Morning Coffee and Hummingbirds...

Please visit Miss Smiling Sally's Blog for more Blue Monday... this Monday and every Monday! Thanks Sally... now hosting from Tampa, Florida...

A nice cup of Hazelnut Coffee on the front porch...

and a new Hummingbird feeder from I can Hummingbird watch up close... Wishing you a beautiful Blue Monday... and rest of the week, from down here in French Lique...


  1. What a nice shot! I love hummingbirds and I can't wait for the pool to finish so I can place the feeders back where they belong...Christine

  2. Love that blue! I had fun taking pictures of hummingbirds and other birds last weekend at my SIL's house.

  3. I'll join you for a cup of that coffee! Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

  4. Oh, how fun. I love to watch the hummingbirds. They are so interesting. Hugs, Marty

  5. I love the blue you have selected to share with us but the hummingbird photo is extraordinary. Thank you for sharing both images with us. Have a wonderful day and enjoy the coming holiday weekend.

  6. Oh,Mizz Dixie..what pretty blues you have for us today. And, Hazlenut coffee..especially in a pretty cup, is very special, indeed.
    We have very few hummers around here. The ones I do see are just passing thru. I do believe I;ll go right to Walmart today and get a feeder, tho. Just in case a family of hummers are passing thru. Thanks for reminding me, dear one.
    love, bj

  7. Love your new feeder. The hazelnut coffee sounds good about now.

  8. Hi, Dixie ...

    I love the cobalt cup and your little hummingbird. Aren't they fun to watch!

    Hope you're having a happy Blue Monday.

  9. Hi Dixie,
    What a cozy spot to have a cup of coffee, and I love your little humming bird. Happy Blue Monday!

  10. Your pictures and music just make this look so relaxing! I have not had a single hummingbird this year. Great photo!

  11. I'll join you on your porch, Dixie, and make mine a hazlenut chocolate bar! Love your blue cup and your pretty hummingbird. This shot speaks summer to me!

    Happy Blue Monday...


    Sheila :-)

  12. Happy Blue Monday Dixie!! Beautiful blue on your new cup and pretty little hummingbird!
    Thanks so much for sharing~~

  13. Ahhh, what a nice gift! I love watching hummingbirds...they are sooo cute! Happy Blue Monday!

  14. Photos are very nice. I love hummingbirds.

  15. Wish I could have sat with you and shared some coffee and hum.
    Hope you guys are staying cool down there...


  16. Great photo of the hummer! Those are easy shots to get. laurie

  17. Nice catch of that hummingbird in flight!

  18. Hi Dixie...hazelnut coffee is my favorite! Love your hummingbird photo! Mine are shy this year...but sure are drinking down the red juice!! lol Have a great week!...Debbie

  19. Hey Dixie,

    Those hummingbirds are so fun to sit and watch. I can remember watching them at my grandmother's and my aunt's. They always had bird feeders scattered about.

    Glad you liked the Memphis pics. We can never visit there without eatting at Rendenzvous. That's my hubby's fav.

    I was looking at a book on the history of the Peabody hotel. I read where they did a huge sale in 1977 and sold everything in the hotel. Can you imagine owning a piece of history like that?

    I've been reading up on the Exchange building. I read that old man Wolf had a department store in the bottom and he and his wife lived on the top floor. They couldn't have a baby. He fooled around with one of his salesclerks and she had his baby. They took it away from her after the baby was born and fired her. She was never allowed back in the building again. Until one night she slipped through the door and walked the stairs and until she reached his floor. They said she jumped to her death. But rumor has it, he pushed her off the balcony.

    Did you hear that one? Maybe you know if better than me. Okay. I didn't mean to ramble. Have a good one, Dixie.

  20. Oh how I have missed your visits! For some reason, I couldn't get back to your site, by clicking on my followers icon! Pictures are beautiful!

  21. Hi Dixie , I came for the pretty pics and then I saw your book list. I love Robert Crais' Elvis Cole series. He just can't write fast enough for me. What did you think of Liberty and Tyranny ? I started to get it but then thought it may be over my head! Hope you are keeping cool , Sue

  22. Good idea on painting my treasure white, hadn't even crossed my mind.

    We got a nice little rain this morning. I was down at the neighborhood gate doing a little decorating for the holiday. Nice and cool.

    Wish we could take a ride in that car ;-)


  23. Dear Miss Dixie-
    What a haven your porch must be, and what a wonderful thoughtful gift from Mr. French Lique.

    May your week be restful, fun, and full of blessings.


    Thanks for the Volcano info- I am on a quest.

  24. Howdy Dixie
    Wow I am so far behind in visiting,
    computer locked up yesterday .
    So I am back in the saddle and ready to ride the blogland range to wish all you awesome ladies like yourself a wonderful week.
    Great blue post !
    Love cobalt blue it is one of my favorite blues.
    Happy Trails

  25. Love hazelnut coffee. I'll bet it tastes even better in this lovely blue mug. Great "capture" of the hummer.


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