Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wordless Wednesday..Bloggers Choice...Keep it Wordless!

If you'd like to join Wordless Wednesday, link your WORDLESS post below.

If you find your link removed from Wordless Wednesday, please read the instructions Here, prior to reposting.

This week's Wordless subject...

Bloggers Choice


1. KayC.
2. Barbara, The Purple Goat Lady
3. Christine
4. Diane - Four Paws and Co
5. Kathy - Mimi's Garden
6. Terry
7. Lorna~Lace and Ivy Cottage~
8. Kathy
9. momma
10. Simply Heather
11. Becky
12. Renee @ Cottage Lifestyle
13. Lazy Mom Amanda
14. The Raggedy Girl
15. Sally
16. Marjorie.mollys country memories
17. Deb
18. dana of the stone rabbit
19. Leah
20. Angela
21. The Muse
22. Shirley
23. Candy
24. liz
25. Jo - Scene through My Eyes
26. Aimee
27. Linda
28. Nancy@MyCraftyLittlePage
29. Linda @ Seasons of Life
30. Sue- SullivanandMurphy
31. Elena
32. Sofia@Expressive Creations
33. Lynn
34. Laura

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. What a cutie! I don't see Mr. Linky, Dixie. Is it just me?...Christine

  2. Oh so cute, Dixie! The best toys usually aren't toys. Okay...I'm waitin' for Mr. Linky. I figure you
    might know who my first picture is!
    xoxo Nancy

  3. What a doll! I just love that kiddos can amuse themselves with something as simple as a bowl. I didn't see Mr. Linky? Is he being a bad boy again? By the way, love your new header photo! Kathy

  4. LINKY!.....?

    Did the baby alien take Mr Linky?


    LOL Super cute...(that is what I look like in the kitchen!)

    Ok I'm ready for Wordless Wed.

  5. Oh where oh where can Mr. Linky be?

    Oh where oh where can be be?

    I read the comments and was glad to see

    The Linky glitch wasn't only with me!! :)

    Now about that cute little punkin with the Tupperware mixing bowl on his head---that first photo would put a smile on anyone's face! How cute!

    Happy WW!! Dana

  6. Mr. Linky is not to be found. That makes me so sad :-(

  7. OMG!!! How Sweet!! This little guy is tooo cute and he made me laugh. Gotta love little boys who wear plastic bowls for hats!! lol

  8. It is me again and I think I found Mr. Linky. I forgot to also say that I love your post. Kids are so fun...and they can find anything to play with and have a great time with it.

  9. Sorry guys... I got busy watching "American Idol" tonight and forgot all about Mr Linky! but here's here now!

  10. Dixie....Lucky grandmother, what a cute kid. I am sure you don't spoil him.
    Happy Wordless Wednesday

  11. What an adorable little guy he is!

    I joined your event this week. ☺ Diane

  12. oh my.... these photos are adorable and so is the little guy, happy WW, Kathy.
    I was going to do a wordless and outdoor Wednesday post again this week Dixie, but the post I did really needed words :-). K

  13. Hi Dixie
    Oh what a cutie pie !
    That is going to be hard to beat,
    I know there are lots of awesome photos out there but this one is so precious you just want to keep coming back for another look at that sweet face.
    thank you for hosting such a fun event.
    Blessings with hugs to you .

  14. Oh Dixie, No words are necessary for these adorable pictures! Thanks for sharing them, you've brought smiles to many faces for sure!

  15. I love the power of a great photo...or two...or three...or, or, or :o).

    This is a grand idea...Wordless Wednesday and I'm in!!

  16. Babies: You can spend $20 on a toy, and they will play with the box.

  17. Such a little cutie pie......thank you for hosting

  18. Oh the days when the toy department was in the bottom cabinet. I think he measures up perfectly.
    And like in 'GO DOG GO'...Do you like my party hat? I do! I do like your party hat.

    What a hoot!

  19. Just one word comes to mind...TADA!!!

  20. Good morning! I'm stopping by to say hello.

    Love those pictures. What a doll-baby. Have a great day!


  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. OMG! He's adorable! Isn't it silly we spend so much on toys to amuse our children and something like this or just a plain old cardboard box can amuse them for hours?

  23. oops! I deleted my comment by mistake. Just commenting Happy wordless wednesday

  24. OMGosh, isn't that just to cute and funny too! LOL!

  25. Dixie:

    What a great photo and I have made my way to all the postings and what fun.

    Thank you for hosting.

    The Raggedy Girl

  26. Adorable! Reminds me of when my kids used to play in the cupboards.

  27. Hilarious!!:) Aren't kids just too funny?!

    I love it! I put my favorite little boy up today:)

    Thanks for hosting us, Dixie!!

    Happy WW!

    Linda C

  28. Those pictures are adorable! They made me laugh. How cute! Thank you for hosting Wordless Wednesday even during your busy time of getting ready for your daughter's wedding.

  29. Dixie,
    Oops, sorry My Wordless was also linkless...guess I was sorta "mindless" when I posted...fixed it...thanks

  30. Every mother has a 'tuperware' cabinet. 'The plastic hat' is the best! How cute is that?!!


  31. Just Precious and so adorably funny!
    Thanks so much for hosting WW!!I am a new follower and just linked too!
    Hugs, Lynn

  32. Such a cutie! Your grand baby was having way too much fun!!

    I can't wait to get the seeds! I'll make sure to come back Friday to see your squash recipe!!!

    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* Wordless Wednesday~

  33. Dixie, I love how, in the second photo, the spout of the pitcher looks just like a nose on the cute little fella underneath. Made me laugh with joy! Sue

  34. Dixie,
    Still laughin too hard about the cutie with the hat/bowl to write a comment get back to ya :-)

  35. Thanks for visiting. Cute pictures. I love it. Sorry for the error I don't know what I was thinking(apparently I wasn't). I will fix that.

  36. What a great picture of that little doll baby!

  37. Adorable pictures. My girls could spend hours completely emptying my tupperware cabinet everday when they were little.
    Brought back fun memories.
    Love the expression.


  38. Oh Dixie! What a cutie! I assume this is one of your grandies?? I love the taaaa daaaaa pose! That's a cute age, isn't it? I remember the Christmas my daughter enjoyed the boxes and the paper and didn't give a hoot about the toys that were in them!! lol I hope you are having a great week!! I'll be back next week for S&P. I couldn't keep my mouth shut long enough to be wordless this week! Have a great rest of the week...hugs...Debbie


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