Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday Favorites... September 6, 2008

This post was originally published on 09/06/08. It's one of my favorite posts because it's about one of my favorite subjects... my sweet hubby... Ricky. This is my first posting to Chari's Sunday Favorites... what a great idea Chari!

This is the before....

Now those of you that don't know Ricky, might not understand why this is such a momentous occasion in French Lique... so I will explain. Ricky is my wonderful and sweet husband. He is a mechanic by trade having worked at the same company for nearly 35 years. He has but one single flaw... yes girls.... just one. He is the KING of procrastination. Ricky is a perfectionist, and as happens with many perfectionist, if he cannot do something absolutely perfectly, he will not do it at all. His perfectionism often takes form in incomplete projects. We have a 1965 Corvair sitting in his shop... and two junkers for parts behind the shop... restoration... incomplete. We have a 1960-something Farmall Tractor sitting in the shop, parts everywhere.... restoration... incomplete. Now this is not to say that these projects will never be completed, but for the past 5-years.... well... nuff said.

And this is the After...

So when Ricky came into the house this morning to invite me outside to the shop.... well, I was in a state of disbelief. There in the shop driveway sat his newly restored Allis-Chalmers combo mower/tiller/disc tractor... PROJECT... COMPLETE. Here are a couple of pics so that you may understand what it takes to be a true perfectionist... and why, here in French Lique, when Ricky completes a project the whole town cheers!

Here's to you my darling husband for a job PERFECTLY DONE! There's always so much to shout about here in French Lique.


  1. Wow, Dixie, what a fabulous job.

    Happy Sunday Favorites.


  2. Hey Dixie!!!

    Just wanted to let you know that I got the seeds in the mail today!!! I can't wait to get them in the ground. I'm glad that you put them in another package inside your card because for some reason the envelope ripped and had a big hole in it! Wonder how many hands touched it on it's way from Texas to West Virginia! hehehe

    Ricky did a fantastic job on his restoration project of that mower, tractor! You have got to love a man that can fix anything and everything up! I have one of those men too!!! We built out house 12 yrs ago and he did all of the electrical wiring, plumbing, insulation, painting, and trim. He made our fireplace mantel by hand and our steps! Right now he is finishing up on the kids swing set that he started last year. He is putting the roof on the tree house part of it this weekend. It's almost finished. He designed it himself and he made it so that we can even swing on it if we want to! lol

    I hope Ricky starts on his car next. Can't wait to see the before and after pictures of it!

    Thanks again for the seeds! Have a great rest of the weekend!!!


  3. Wow! That is totally amazing... such talent!

  4. OK, just 1 question, does he have a missing Brother, if so I think I found just described my DH to the to love our men who can do anything, just getting them to finish something. I've never had to hire a plumber, mechanic, electrician painter, or any kind of repairman, don't even have to buy furniture other than mattress or chairs, as a matter of fact he gets upset if I do, "I could have built that as soon as I finished so and so" that's the problem, it might be 5 yrs later. BB asked for a small side table 4 yrs ago, finally gave up and went and bought one, DH got mad, well if he hadn't been in such a rush and had to have it RIGHT now I'd built one alot better than that. I always call him a piddler, always busy but never getting anything finished...
    You hubby did a great job on that tractor/ mower.

  5. What a great job he did. Congratulations on a completed project.

  6. Ricky is truly THE MAN!!!!!

    Hey - - - we have a friend "Ricky" who is a farmer here in Indiana and he loves farm and yard equipment too!!!

  7. PS - - - we have a French Lick here in IN too, only we aren't classy enough to spell ours the French way!!!!

  8. my beloved won't let me turn the page! LOL
    he is saying loads of macho kudos...LOL
    from one mechanical perfectionist to another!

  9. Hi Ms. Dixie...

    So glad to have you join in with the fun of Sunday Favorites this week!

    Girl, I just giggled while reading this post about your honey...I really did think you were writing about my Russell! Hehe!!! Except it's camaros not a corvair that sit in our shop and yard! Hehe! My hat's off to your honey on that fabulous restoration of his mower/tractor!!! It looks so purdee!!!

    Hope that you're having a blessed and safe Memorial Day weekend!

  10. Haven't been by here in a while. So I'm trying to get around to catching up on some of my peeps blogs. I hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

  11. GOOD JOB, RICKY...
    Ya'll have a safe and fun holiday..

  12. He did a great job! My hubby had to see, he loved it!

  13. That is an AMAZING transformation! Awesome job and way to go!!!

  14. I am really imressed, Dixie! Ricky is one talented guy!...Christine

  15. Your banner looks like where I live. AND, Your hubby sounds like mine. (of 44 years)

  16. That is one beautiful piece of machinery and whoo hoo to your hubby for getting it done.

    The Raggedy Girl

  17. That is awesome! I think it's contest worthy☺

    Hope you're having a good Memorial Day!

  18. Now that is AWESOME! take it from a girl who farm equipment from the 20's and hubby has restored


  19. I love this husband story. What a beautiful restoration.

  20. Amazing! That looks brand new! Are you sure he didn't just go out and buy a new one and switch it out for the old one. laurie

  21. Does he give completed project lessons to other husbands?


  22. Laura and others that have asked... Yes... Ricky, being truly one of the kindest people I've ever known, is always generous with his knowledge of all thing mechanical... Just send your hubby's over... he's in the middle of another mower project right now... Pictures to follow...

  23. Dixie, what a wonderful job your sweet hubby did! ..... must be so proud of him even though it may take a while. He has a beautiful restored tractor. :)

    Thank you for stopping by just to say "hi" ... haven't been able to find any blogging time recently. I appreciate your warm friendship and not forgetting about me! hugs, Cheryl


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